The impressive Natural History Museum in London


Very good fantastic community, welcome to the Natural History Museum in London, England. I bring you my great experience about this fascinating place and my entire career within this iconic museum.

Very early, I go out to take the bus, with my nerves on edge, because I wasn't going to just any museum, this museum is the best, everyone said it, let you visit it, you'll be left speechless, and well , now I am going to share with you my entire experience in that majestic place. Just by looking at the entrance, just the entrance, it is impressive, the people, entire families, tourists, a whole world to get to know and take away a pleasant memory of the historical site.

Inside it seems like an entire hidden city, it is just the beginning of this great journey, an amazing journey.

In the first rooms are these fossil remains of some mammals from that time, truly spectacular, along with some species that were abundant in the seas at that time.

Next I stumble upon a replica of a skeleton of the iconic long neck, along with that of a huge triceratops , the claws of a T- Rex , the skeletons of velociraptors and other fabulous species.

On the way I find one of the rooms with different dinosaur skulls and a sample of the size of their teeth, cavities, even a Tyrannosaurus Rex jaw .

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Also some statues of some iconic characters from Greek mythology plus other fantastic creatures that I had never seen or knew existed, this is amazing.

Already passing through one of the last rooms, I meet the amazing Dodos and mammoths, species which I met through the animated film: “Ice Age”; plus another exhibit full of species.

With great affection I hope you enjoyed this publication and that you learn a little more about this beautiful museum, hugs to everyone and happy day.

All images shown in this post are my property.

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