My Students Learn the Alphabet with Gcompris

Greetings friends of Hive and @digitallifestyle, today I am going to share with you my experience using the educational program Gcompris with first grade Primary Education students.


It is worth mentioning that in the computer classroom where I work with all students from preschool to sixth grade, we plan together with their classroom teacher to reinforce the content through a computer activity. On this occasion, for the students, I found an interactive activity of the Alphabet through the educational software Gcompris.



Gcompris is an educational program installed on each computer using free software. This tool is very versatile, and already has various activities to work with students, from scratch. It has an activity to begin using the mouse, to familiarize them with the correct use of computer components. It also has activities to learn colors, letters, basic addition and subtraction operations, memory games, puzzles, which can be used with different grades of Primary Education.



Today, I also worked with the first grade children on the alphabet activity. Before starting, I asked them what the alphabet was and two students answered correctly. Then they began to do the activity in the Gcompris software. One of the activities consisted of selecting the missing letter, which identifies the animal and object. The children did this activity quite quickly, and as they answered correctly, they moved on to another activity until they completed eight.



In addition, students not only learn the alphabet, but also identify animals, objects, and colors through this interactive activity of the Gcompris program. On the other hand, they acquire skills in computer use, which is an excellent tool for teaching content that can be carried out for the benefit of students. It also contributes to teamwork, since students can develop the activity as a team or individually.


Finally, as a computer science teacher, it is important to work in conjunction with the teacher's classroom project, in order to reinforce the content previously seen in the classroom, using technology to continue learning interactively. In this activity, all the students were motivated to learn the alphabet through this educational game.


This Gcompris program is intuitive and easy to use for students. It is a program that can be used from preschool to even sixth grade. It is available for Linux, Mac, Android and Windows operating systems, you can download it at the following address

I hope you liked it, see you in a next post.

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Photograph taken from the Gcompris program
Used logos of Hive
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate

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Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich


10.170 NEOXAG


That's a good way to help your little students to learn. Thank you for sharing that.

0.008 NEOXAG

Hello, thank you for your comment

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