My Experience with Conflict at Work

>Greetings friends of Hive and @weekendexperiencea, today I am going to participate again in the initiative proposed by @galenkp, in which he presents us with several topics and we choose one to express our experience and also learn about that of other users.


It should be noted that I do not consider myself a conflictive person in my workspace, I always look for a solution to any problem, both at work and on a personal level, since everything in life has a solution, however there are people who do like to generate problems in the workplace, generating unrest among fellow workers and this in turn creates enmity and division of the work team.

Likewise, I tell you my experience, as a public administration worker at the educational level, the salary of the teaching staff was frozen and for more than two years we have not received a salary increase, earning a salary of $5 fortnightly, and payments of bonuses that have no salary impact on social benefits. In view of this situation we went on strike, at first I participated in several protest marches.


Later I realized that the government was not going to respond to the salary demands and was playing tired, because of this the manager called a group to agree on what we were going to do, more than half continued the strike and on my part I agreed to go to work for two days, this caused annoyance with the other colleagues for not complying with the strike. For my part, I was calm without complaining to anyone about why everyone takes a position.


I tell you that the teachers who were unemployed had to attend a march or a meeting every day, bringing sunshine and this made them sick from walking so much, until there were few left and they decided to work only two days. That's why I think the best thing is to stay calm, and work fewer days as a form of protest so that the government finally decides if it is going to increase the salary.


To conclude, I do not want to say with this that I am submissive, but rather that it is less exhausting to go to classes for two days than to be in the street protesting when you run the risk of being arrested and having a law applied to you and you going to prison for any reason they may give you. impute.

I hope you liked my experience of how I manage conflicts in the workplace.

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Used logos of Hive and fulldeportes
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate

colmena (3).gif
Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich



When we make decisions at work, we sometimes have to weigh the impact on our physical and mental health. In your case you thought about both and in the end you made the best decision for the moment you are living, very wise of you. Greetings my friend!


That's right friend, each person makes their own decision that does not affect their health, first and foremost, greetings.


Every job generates conflict in my opinion, for example the education sector is one where bureaucratism and administrative corruption are the order of the day and to remain silent in the face of such injustices is really hard, one earns many enemies especially when you are a coordinator. Greetings teacher.

Todo trabajo genera conflicto a mi parecer, por ejemplo el sector educación es uno donde el burocratismo y la corrupción administrativa están a la orden del día y permanecer en silencio ante tales injusticias cuesta de verdad un poco, uno se gana muchos enemigos en especial cuando ejerces cargo de coordinador. Saludos profe.


Es duro para los maestros y profesores hoy en día ejercer, ya que son muy mal pagados, pero sin ánimos de ser conformistas, más bien hay que ser resilienyes y darle la vuelta y ver la oportunidad de los que les ha tocado vivir..


Así es amiga, gracias por tu comentario.
