Battle Mage Secrets: Catch me if you can in the Fog of War
This week, I'm sharing my game in Fog Of War ruleset using Astral Entity.
You can check out this BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge link if you also want to participate.
Fog of War
Healed Out
Melee Mayhem
Mana Cap: 59
Elements: Water,Earth,Life,Death
This is a Fog Of War ruleset game so Monsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.
A good tank and a balanced line up of Magic and Ranged monsters is the trick to win in this ruleset. Use monsters with Opportunity. Keep your monsters in an ascending order of their HP.
This is a Healed Out ruleset game so All healing abilities are removed from Monsters and Summoners.
You can skip monsters and summoners having Affliction. Life Leech is not impacted by this ruleset.
This is a Melee Mayhem ruleset game so Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position.
If you have melee monsters in the back-line with Sneak or Opportunity, those abilities take precedence. Select a summoner that increases melee attack or a summoner that reduces melee attack of enemies + a tank with Shield. Thorns, Inspire, Blast, Retaliate help in this ruleset.
You may also watch battle here.
Summoner: Astral Entity
All enemy monsters lose -2 armor
All friendly monsters gain Dodge ability
All friendly monsters gain Resurrect ability
Pos 1 Monster: Harklaw
Shield - Reduced damage from Melee and Ranged attacks.
Attack damage gets halved (rounded up), except attack 1 which deals 0 damage
Reduces the Thorns damage to 1
Cancel Redemption damage
Immunity - This monster is immune to negative status effects
Demoralize - Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Monsters
-1 to melee attack, it cannot be less than 1
Pos 2 Monster: Legionnaire Alvar
Void Armor - Magic attacks hit this Monster's armor before its Health
Giant Killer - Does double damage against targets that cost 10 or more mana
Demoralize - Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Monsters
-1 to melee attack, it cannot be less than 1
Deathblow - This Monster does 2x damage if their target is the only Monster left on the enemy team
Pos 3 Monster: Arkemis the Bear
Protect - All friendly Monsters gain +2 Armor
Halving - Each time this Monster hits a target, the target's attack is cut in half (rounded down)
Forcefield - This Monster takes only 1 damage from attacks with power 5+
Enrage - Has increased Melee attack and Speed when damaged.
Multiplier x1.5 rounded up
Pos 4 Monster: Supply Runner
Swiftness - It gives all friendly Monsters +1 increased Speed.
Strengthen - All friendly Monsters have increased Health
Pos 5 Monster: Lira the Dark
Opportunity - It may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health.
- This ability will be useless in the Fog of War ruleset
Snare - When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss.
Swiftness - It gives all friendly Monsters +1 increased Speed.
Pos 6 Monster: Cursed Windeku
Thorns - When hit with a Melee attack, does damage back to the attacker
Has an upper cap of 2
Heal - Restores a portion of the Monster's health each round
Restores 1/3 of the max health, rounded down.
- This ability will be useless in the Healed Out ruleset
Slow - Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters
Now that Rebellion edition is here, do you think there's a stronger line up in this Game Modification? Comment down below.
You may also watch battle here.
Hope you learned something from my game and how I came up with this lineup.
What would you have done differently given the same ruleset, mana cap and active elements? Let us know by dropping a comment.
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