Emotional weekend: Visiting my hometown.😋💕


Greetings and blessings to all my readers. I am very happy to coincide with a community where I can share my experiences. Today I am going to tell you about the most emotional experience I had last weekend when I traveled to my hometown. My beloved Ciudad del Tigre, in the state of Anzoátegui.

I was born on October 12, in this beautiful city, but due to life circumstances, my parents moved to the center of the country. I am Anzoatiguense by birth and Aragüeña by heart.
I had not been to my city since 2017, and you do not know the great emotion I felt when before my eyes glittered the sign that says "Welcome", it is the same feeling experienced by the Zulian when he crosses the bridge. It is like when a mother receives her son after not seeing him for a long time.

I arrived at my aunt Marisela's house, there the reception was wonderful, there were mixed emotions, laughter, tears, joy, after so much talking, listening to music and remembering, my aunt prepared me a delicious fried fish with avocado and some delicious tostones, after lunch we took a picture in the backyard of the house.

It was a weekend that I did not want to miss, on Saturday morning we went out to El Tigrito, specifically to the Municipal Market, to taste my favorite breakfast for years; the dogfish empanadas and the unique and unmatched vitamin a drink representative of my hometown, both in its preparation and ingredients, is the best kept secret of the Sanchez family and transmitted through the years, from generation to generation.

In the evening we went out to tour my beloved city, because it has grown a lot in the economic, in tourism, we passed by the flag, this park was formerly a peanut producing company, which stopped working and those silos were left, at first they were going to eliminate them, but someone knew what to do with them, turned them into the largest flag in the world.

From there we went to the walk of the virgin, a beautiful place where the great devotion that the people of El Tigre feel for the Virgin of the Valley is reflected.

On Sunday we visited my aunt Carmen, we were delighted with the variety of flowers that she has in her garden, very well cared for, we also met her little white dove dog and her family of morrocoys. We had a great afternoon. We went back to my aunt Marisela's house to rest because I had to get up early in the morning to return to my house in the center of the country, because I had a week of work to do.

It was hard to return and leave behind so many memories, this time when I left, I was saying goodbye again, with the hope of returning again.

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Beautiful pictures @carjuvival
I love El Trigre, I have already met him.
I love turtles.

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I also love my hometown, nowadays it is more beautiful, and very updated technologically, and the tortoises, in relation to the turtles I tell you that those are my aunt's, and there was a neighbor who recently passed away and left him 50 baby turtles as an inheritance.

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