My Cleaning Activity for Today


This is the question that crosses my mind most often, “Everyone is always conscious of keeping where they lay their head clean, but not everyone cares about the environment, his surroundings”.
The earth is out home and should be cared for and cleaned up just as we do for our rooms and kitchens.

I'm happy a community such as the #cleanplanet community is there to drive that spirit of moving out to engage in activities to keep our planet clean. It's mother Earth, our home and our planet.

With that mindset, after I returned from school today, I embarked on my cleaning activity.
Few minutes after I returned from school, it rained heavily, flooding the whole place though the flood didn't last long and everywhere was cleared.

Just as usual, I began my cleaning activity from my street first before heading down to the junction.
Since it rained, most of the trash and wraps were held tight to the ground by wet soil making it not too easy for picking up. But with my gloves, I was able to clean up the whole place.
My gloves got wet in the process and made my phalanges feel cold.

Here are the photos of my cleaning activity for today:

Finally after all the picking up and gathering into the bag, I made my way to the waste container and had the waste bag disposed of.

Like I always say, “No complete cleaning activity without proper disposal”. I made sure I properly disposed of the waste bag and called it a day.
Thanks for stopping by friends!
Enjoy your weekdays
