My Cleaning Activity for Today 11th Oct; 2024.


Difference is a virtue that makes room for uniqueness. If everyone in this world were the same in character, physical appearance, psychological capability and talents, then the world might probably be a better place today.
While carrying out my cleaning activity this evening, I came across some flowers used for a short fence in my street. One thing I noticed about the flower leaves was that some of the leaves had different colors than the usual green color of a leaf. Those ones are called variegated leaves.

I'm a kind of person that loves relating things around me, the works of nature to reality and sometimes I see something hidden. Relating the variegated leaves to life, I began to feel that everything in this life shouldn't be the same. We must always have loyal citizens and terrorists, the poor and the rich, the healthy and the sick, the educated and uneducated, the two sides have to balance for the world not to fall apart.

For a country to suffer insecurity, some unloyal citizens must exist and for the rich to pay for his car to be washed or his car tyres pumped, the poor must be there.
Humans are special beings and each person differs from another making life balanced. In a home, there may be some siblings that must talk a lot and another that doesn't give a damn.
We have people who are math gurus but are not bold to climb the stage to address an audience. But that same public speaker might lack what it takes to create a light bulb.

If everyone were White, then there would be no Blacks and racism would have never been a “word” that never existed. For things to be different was never a mistake, it's just natural and essential for balance in all areas.
Have you ever thought of why your fingerprints are different from that of your parents or siblings? If every human’s fingerprints were the same, then crime investigation by fingerprints wouldn't have been something scientists should have bothered about.
In all, what I've just tried to lay out is the fact that no two persons can be the same, so comparing oneself with others sometimes can be the biggest mistake of our lives. Live your life and make the difference that would motivate others.

Here's the main business of the day, my cleaning activity for today.
Today was hectic and occupied, though not with house chores but with school runs.
But nevertheless, my cleaning activity is what I can't miss. After I returned from school in the evening, I refreshed, took a short rest and went out to do my cleaning activity.
Here are the photos of my cleaning activity for today:

Finally after I had gathered the waste together in the picking bag, I headed for the waste container and had the waste disposed of.

Like I often say and I won't forget, “No complete cleaning activity without proper disposal”. Properly disposing of the waste bag made me feel I had done the work perfectly well.
