My Cleaning Activity for Today 26th November, 2024.

Just imagine living in an environment where certain people don't care about the cleanliness of their surroundings, how do you think such a part of the planet would look like friends?
It's normal to have people who observe the cleanliness of their homes but aren't conscious of properly disposing of snacks while on their way out, some just eat and dump by the roadside and that's very poor.

Waking up every morning to carry out my cleaning exercise has been a part of me and each day I miss it, then know I've missed my timing for it or there must be a lot of workload on me, lol.
Today, I was very determined to carry out my cleaning activity and I did it at the right time without hesitation or second thoughts of being late to lectures.

Though today's cleaning activity was done at a street not too far from mine, it was still a “full-bag” cleanup, meaning my picking bag got filled up as always.
Here are the photos of my cleaning activity for today:

With the normal procedure to carry out cleaning activities which is “picking and putting in the bag”, I made sure every trash in the area was picked up and the roadside was not left behind.
To make everything complete, I ended with a proper disposal of the cleaning bag in my waste container.

At this stage, I was confirmed that today's cleaning exercise was completed and I'm satisfied with my spirit.

Thanks for stopping by friends, enjoy your day.
All the images were taken during my cleaning activity.



Keep up the good work, our environment needs it.
