Spending the day at the fish market


On the occasion of today, I was at the fish market, Tavern Aron, Jalan exonmobil oil, Syamtalira Aron District, north aceh re gency. I was at the fish market. I wantedto buy fish, but at this time I hadthe price of the fish is a bit expensive with the curryna weather conditions at sea rather a bitboth ered about her waves

then the fishermen seldom segoing down to the sea to catch fishbecause of the wav es and waves in laut is huge with akibat st ong wind then with p hal that many fisher men who don'tak down to catch fish then harga fish in the market to be slightly up

then even though the price of fish is maha l which but there are still buyers kabecaku se no matter what kind of fish there arebu yers because of the price iit goes up in all m arkets, ikits too lacking among buyersi w ith goods many buyers maeven by the merchant, the price is mineadd a little to the price yang before

then thus the price of fish will slightly incr ease due to weather constraints at seaand regarding fishermen juyou can't get it,you go theresaid the fish temporarily by pang lima sea before the weather mimprove th en with in the information that's how all fi shing bots don'tI went to sea before I got permission from Pang the five

but so does the price of fish by ceritain ag nts but ada also part of the down tetfire if something goes wrong iwant like this disa ster outside of tanggujawa to one becak u esudah, the commander-in-chief urged or informed him that before the weather imp roved, he didn't get to go down to the sea..

because of that, with this the price of the fish in all fish markets, the selling price is not standardr in the presence of de info r mation like that, the fish looks like nothin ng before, ma'amit's as usual because the re are manyk fishermen who do not go to winap the real fish isn't therea but many catch fish

then the fish that I hold at the moment, th e price for one kilo is eighty thousand rupi ah, if the previous price was just tw eh nty t housand rupiah or forty-five thousand ru piah, then the condition and circums tanc esn at sea all this time very bad mayou ha ve lots of fishing boatsg does not sail

then the prices of all fish started to move up and so did the peopleI complained wh en I bought wet fish because the price for wet fish is now very high like ywhat I said earlier is because of the fishermenthose w ho sail to catch fish di sea because the oce an waves are veryhigh and strong winds

then palima laut gave imfformation to all fishermen at this time is temporarily bann edYay before wave conditions ombang, th e sea is back to normal, getting better ca n't sail first afraid of laterdangerous if and yone berlayar it under the responsibilityof the pifishing union rights
