The sacrifices that comes with elevating oneself


One thing I have come to learn about life and people is that, if we are so comfortable in the position we are in, with no plan to move forward or do anything challenging, then we are doing everything wrong.


The moment we are satisfied with our current position is when stagnation finds a spot in our life, this is why we must never be too comfortable in one spot as long as time is ticking and others are advancing.

No amount of money is enough to make you arrive at a decision that you do not want to earn anymore and you want to live life to the fullest, if that is how life is designed, the likes of Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and other billionaires and wealthy people won't keep earning even though they top the world richest.

I am someone who does not like to lose so I was always scared of competition I ended up not competing but as time went on, I learned another lesson.

Losing one time does not make you a loser; the more you lose, the better you become.

I do not engage in competition that I see no chance or hope of winning because I see it as effort and time wastage but If I just see a glimpse of Hope or a chance of winning, I give it my all and I will never quit till I get to the finish line, I overcome to my fears and the only thing on my mind is that goal am trying to achieve.

I am a lover of food and I don't joke with my stomach, I eat as many times as possible in a day, but sometimes when I have a big goal in front of me, I often starve myself to achieve the goal.

The story I am about to share is known by my readers because I have written on it times without numbers but it never gets old because I know someone has yet to read it, someone who needs hope might come across it.

It is the story of my first loan, I got to know about an opportunity that would change my status but I do not have the resources to do it and after a deep thought, only a loan could save me but I have never taken a loan.


The fear of the unknown almost changed my mind, what If things go south and I am not able to pay back, what if this, what if that, all these are demons of stagnation that everyone deals with, while some people overcome their fears, some let it win over them and end up doing nothing to elevate themselves.

I let go of my fears and took the loan but there was a price to pay, The price I paid was starving myself for months and not eating as much as I used to until I paid back the loan and interest.

It affected me, imagine someone who used to eat good food now drinking garri most time just to cut expenses but it paid off in the end, and I was able to continue eating well after I elevated myself.

I often do this whenever I have a big goal ahead of me and it has been paying well... Leave your comfort zone!

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

828.142 NEOXAG


Your all hard work paid off and your starving for months proved good for you. But, loan is like a bone stuck in throat( it's my view)

0.218 NEOXAG

it is like that for everyone, which is why some people try their possible best to take away that bone by working harder to pay their debt[loan]

0.000 NEOXAG

This is really motivating, in a world like this where competition is just too much, pressure from peer groups, one may one to remain where they are so that they don't fail, I have seen failure before the experience was not good one but it's built capacity in me, made me better than who I used to be. Thanks for this beautiful piece

0.402 NEOXAG

My first time reading your story and I enjoyed it. You could remember the first time I came to you trying to make enquiries on how to go for a loan from Mr D. I couldn't do it, I was like, "what if..." just like you. But I confronted my fear and went ahead. I had to sacrifice some things to make sure I paid back all and when I did, it was something I would want to do again, if only the loan is for the right reason.

Losing one time does not make you a loser; the more you lose, the better you become.

Exactly. We only lose completely when we give up. Thanks for sharing this, Burl.

0.399 NEOXAG

you have confronted your fear now and become a loan master, I was also like that now i have no fear when it comes to loan as long as it is for something productive.

0.000 NEOXAG

I have read about the loan you have taken in the past and it was a very good decision for you have taken calculated risk. Although you suffered for it a little bit but at the end it was beneficial for you.

0.404 NEOXAG

no pain no gain

0.000 NEOXAG

Glad I came across this post, I hate collecting loans but then there is always something triggering people to collect loans while others collect just to sort out some minor issues. So my aunty collected a loan last year, and her reason for collecting the loan wasn't cool, she collected it to get a phone, I told her to wait till when she has sufficient money for the phone then she can get it but she refused, for the past five months she has been complaining on how to complete the loan repayment plus the interest. And now that the country isn't smiling the whole situation is worsen.

0.397 NEOXAG

assuming she needed the phone to make money, her reasons could have been justified.

and the rate at which they increase interest on loans is insane.

0.000 NEOXAG

I’m always when it comes to taking loans but I’ve done it before and God was good to me that I was able to pay up the loan but I never tried it again

0.400 NEOXAG

hmm, well loan has helped me in a lot of ways, not once or twice

0.000 NEOXAG

Being comfortable with where we are exposes us to stagnation and that's true. Sometimes, we have to make a very tough decision in life just to elevate ourselves.

You knew what you wanted, you went for it and it paid off. If you had hesitated back then, it would have been a whole different story today.

0.394 NEOXAG

yea it would have been a totally different story, probably wont have gone far like this cos i would have keep hesitating in other area too

0.000 NEOXAG

In the same way, unless we have goals, our life is meaningless and life has no purpose. When we have goals, we will work day and night on them and work with passion to achieve them. Will try and one day will be successful.

0.390 NEOXAG

I am yet to overcome that phase of fearing to lose, but the truth is whether we like it or not, losing is certain. But like you said, not all loses should catch up with us, there are risks that are not worth it.

We have to learn to chase things that have potentials and not things that may end up making us cry. The story you shared is very encouraging, and I must confess, I learnt a lot from it

0.393 NEOXAG

you have to let go of your fears, especially when you see a good opportunity that could elevate you

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you sir, I'll take that to heart

0.000 NEOXAG