Speak up and get the justice you deserved and save others from the bad experience

A lot of girls have been a victim of Sexual assault but refused to speak up because of the fear of negative reactions from people who hear the story...


The worst part is that sometimes, the crime is committed by a close or distant relative, like a cousin or sister's husband, which makes it sad because these people should be protecting them from other animals out there.

Back in 2015, I made a friend with a girl who hawks bread, she would branch at my parent's place in the evening, and in no time, we became good friends that she sometimes stayed around to gist with me and within a short time, she felt more comfortable and would stay longer than expected and to be honest I love her presence since I was often alone, I only came to spend the holiday with my parents...

Three houses away from mine, there lives a soldier. I noticed that whenever the girl wanted to pass there, she would run so I asked her one day why she was running. She explained that the soldier asked her out and was really disturbing her to the extent that he almost dragged her into his apartment but she escaped that day and since then she has been avoiding him.

I wonder why some men behave like animals, is it that they can't control their urges or they deliberately want to commit the crime, well I told her to continue avoiding him and never to answer him if he calls her to buy bread, his intention is not pure.


She escaped the man but unfortunately what she was avoiding later happened, this time it was with another guy... So she said she used to sell bread to this guy too and on that bad day, the guy dragged her inside, threatened her with a knife that she should remove her clothes, she had no choice but to do as commanded and that was how the animal had his way... I was furious and asked her if she informed her parents so they could call on the police and get the guy arrested but she said no, that she wouldn't tell them because if they arrested the guy, other people in the community would know what happened so she let the matter died.

Two weeks later, the animal struck again and the victim happened to be my friend,'s schoolmate, I guess he thought the new girl would also keep quiet about it but unfortunately for him that one told her parents and they got him arrested... Yea everyone get to know she was raped but she got justice unlike my friend that kept mute, moreover, the new victim also saved other girls from being a victim of the animal who derived joy in sexually assaulting them.

I won't judge my friend for not speaking out though. Only someone who is in her shoes would understand better how she feels and why she refused to speak up... We have many like her who bears the pain and move on but this only gives the assailant

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart

Posted Using INLEO



I can understand the situation. For ladies exposing such kind of people is not so easy. They fear society and we are to blame because we are the reason for the fear. Instead of it I think avoiding bad guys is not the permanent solution. If everyone let it go just because of fear, the guy continue doing it. So, raising voice can reduce the chances of being a victim.


yea, people are the reason why victims keep quiet, cos some people will use it to mock them later.... But the right thing to do is speak up so those animals can be put to justice.


Really? That’s why it’s sometimes not good for ladies to hawk but I understand the fact that some people do not have a choice.
Some girls may be raped. That happened in my area one time when one lady was hawking fish and the guy dragged her in to rape her but she was lucky because she screamed and everyone heard her


what did they do to the guy?


It is a fact that many people who are in the world cannot speak the truth because of the fear, so they should not.


A lot of people are ashamed of speaking or they fail to speak up because of how people will react or treat them after they do, so they decide to fight the battle silently.


yes, it is the reaction of people that stopped many from speaking up


Doing it to another girl means that he has been living that lifestyle for long, i wonder how that makes him feels, when he forcefully had his way. The girl did good for reporting him to his parents, if not, he might have do it to many.


he has done it to many, i guess his time was up and that was why the victim speak up...
