Our superpowers get activated when we are in danger

Humans have superpowers but we can't activate them until we find ourselves in a dangerous situation that could take our lives, that is when the adrenaline in our body gets released.

I have unlocked my superpowers many times when I was still very young because I always find myself in one problem or the other... Let me tell you about some of those experiences.


One day, my elder brother was sent on an errand and I insisted I must follow him which he didn't want but with my parent's intervention he had no other choice but to take me along, on our way, we needed to pass one of his friend's house who owns a dog and I don't know how they both planned it, what I saw was the dog coming for me, you need to see how I pick race with my feet touching my head and the dog also followed me, I was running like a flash and shouting, I didn't even rest till I got home, I outrun the dog and my brother also suffered when he got back home because my dad made sure to deal with him seriously for allowing his friend to do that to me. Anyway, I survived that attack to live another day lol.

Another experience with dogs was with my classmates when I was in JSS3, there were two dogs we used to stone whenever we were going home, these two dogs marked our faces and they always pursued us whenever they saw us, we didn't like playing with them in the morning because we don't walk in a group, we only go home together so it is always tough for most of us in the morning because we need to play hide and seek to make sure the dogs are not close by when passing that spot in the morning and I have been lucky.


One afternoon on our way home, we passed their area as usual and started to stone them but the dogs didn't pursue us neither did they came out from under the car they were resting so we assumed they were asleep, we decided to leave them alone but those dogs were hunting us because we have not even gone far when one of us shouted that the dogs are coming, mehn you need to see how bags was flying in the air and everyone ran helter skelter, I was so scared because I felt one of the dogs was after me, that I climbed one high fence of a farm just to escape the dog, they got one of us and tore his school uniform, luckily no dog bite, maybe those dogs were even playing with us, no one knows lol, after few minutes, when the dogs were gone, most of us came out of their hide out and I was shocked that I could climb the high fence because I could not climb it back to the other side to meet my classmates, I had to tell them to meet me on the other side to collect my bag, things we do to escape danger.

So this shows If I find myself in a situation where running is not an option and I need to defend myself, trust me the adrenaline rush will happen again that is when the opponent will know how brutal the teeth can be lol.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


First, Burl the athlete and then you advanced to be a climber🤣
I can’t stop laughing.
Anyway, that’s the thing with humans. Any time we’re in danger, our reflexes just work so well.


that is my superpower in action😅


Normally, you won’t be able to climb a fence but your adrenaline pushed you to do it
So when we are in trouble, we always unleash our superpowers


You have said it all, I have always been an athlete but I never knew I could move with speed of light until a protest happened in my school and people were on the run.


lolz, that is human for you, we will do anything to escape danger
