A powerful advice from my cousin : Do not settle for Average
Hello hive learners famz..
Yesterday was a very busy day and after everything, i got so dog tired that i decided to sleep for two hours only for the body and soul to refuse waking up till the next day, i won't blame them though because i really stressed myself during the day....
While growing up, i was given many advice by my parent and friends but the advice that awaken my dreams is the one i got from my cousin...
At the beginning, i was not an introvert, not at all... I love going out alot, mingling with friends, parties and all that you can think of that guys do to have fun, oh well don't think about everything cos i don't smoke....
I had no dream, i was just living life the way i sees it, no worries about the future nor do i even care about any future, the environment you grew up can also limit your dreams because you can't miss things you do not know nor can you like things you never see.....
i had no vision until after school that i visited my cousin in ibadan...
It was there i started to see and feel the unknown....
A lot of things intrigued me, ranging from their guest room that was to be used by me alone, their modern toilet and bathroom, their complete set of tv deck and lastly the A.c in their parlor and car...
I have never had a room meant for me alone, me and my siblings share a small bed in one room, no modern toilet either as we used a pit latrine back home, it is a rural area anyway, a small old tv unlike the flat screen used by my cousin and for the a.c, i have never felt that for once in my life not in homes or cars until that visit to my cousin's place...
Few days in my cousin's place, my body is already changing and i can feel my body responding to all the delicacy am eating there, it is true that money is fine bobo, within a week even my complexion changed, that very dark boy became different, when i checked the mirror even i was surprised of my look, like how did it happen....
I became totally different when i went to barb my head, so handsome and my eyes popped up too, like is this me for real? even my cousin be like handsome bobo... There was even a time i was strolling in the estate and i saw this beautiful, yellow skinny girl, with the way she packs, i guess she was going to school, we were both staring at each other and a thought crossed my mind, if it was like some weeks ago, this girl won't look at me twice, i just smiled...
I spent two weeks with my cousin and like two days before i left, we were on our way back from church that sunday, her husband packed the car to get something from a restaurant for us and that was when she started the conversation...
She asked if i enjoyed my stay with her and her family and i said more than enjoy, she smiled and i added how i have never get to enjoy or see most of those things i am seeing there and i want to live such a life in the future too, that was when she burst my bubble...
She said i should dream higher that they ain't rich that they are just comfortable and those things am seeing are just normal things that people who are living well have..
She told me about a friend her whose husband is very rich, he goes abroad and comes back every week and the house they are living in that estate is their's unlike them whose house is a three bedroom rented apartment and yea i remember that gigantic house we visited during my stay with her and dang yea that place is more than a house, looks more like a mansion...Some people are indeed blessed with wealth....
She adviced me to face my studies and work hard.. I should have less friends so i can be focused on my goals, i took all her advice on my left palm so i won't use it to eat...
She woke up my desire to become a very rich person in life....
Three days later, i bade her goodbye and travelled home... When i got home that same day, i didn't waste time to rush out again to meet my friends as usual, i played Ps and we gisted normally...
The problem arise in the night when it was time to sleep, the light in our area is like 3 days off and 5 hours on the day we are to have light, that night was a miserable one.. I could not sleep, the mosquitoes sound keeps bugging me, i could not roll around on the bed either because my siblings were there with me, i was feeling hot because there was no light, i started to regret coming back home.....
I remembered my cousin that instant and the good life i was living in her place, then i remembered her advice and started dreaming of those things i want to achieve too...
I can't achieve this at home, it doesn't look like i can bear the sufferness anymore too... I was okay with it before i visited my cousin, i thought it was a normal life, i didn't experience anything nor did i know those things existed, but after i see and feel them, i realize i have been suffering and things need to change...
I was able to sleep off during my thought and the next day i told my mum i want to visit my sister living in another town that i don't want to stay at home again, she called my sis and yea she agreed, it was that my sister i said we lived in the forest together.... Even though her place was not as posh as my cousins place but it was better than home, there was stable light and heat and mosquitoes was not a thing too...
I can survive and build myself here and that was the beginning of my hustle and introverted lifestyle because i locked everyone out and all on my mind was a better life...
I will not rest until my good is better and better becomes best, if you want the finest thing in life, you must work the hardest to get them... No pain No gain...

Just call me Burl.
I am a gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exist, i am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a pay day
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

While reading your post, it made me remember the first time I visited my elder sis in Lagos, she lives in an estate in Lekki and when I got there, I do not need anyone even her to motivate me because at that instant, I realized there is life to enjoy if you want it. My sister had told me once to dream big and that life I lived with her, just for three days, I felt it in me. By the time I returned back to Ondo, I knew I had to do my best and work hard.
Life is good when we work hard for it. Those people making it aren't any different from us, we just have to do what it takes and that is where sacrifice comes in. I am also an introvert and I love my privacy as it helps me focus on myself and what I want for myself.
God will surely help us all.
yea, i also realize one thing, it is good to always explore other areas, we should not get stuck in one particular place for long because we would never know what we are missing out on, without that visit, probably i would have grow old at home without any big dreams cos i didn't know what is out there and i won't be curious to find out....
These are deep words you have been told, man.
The truth is, exposure—in this life—matters a lot! If you had not been shown a much better life, you may have been ignorant about dreaming higher and stuck to being mediocre. You saw something new, loved it, desired it for yourself, and are now chasing big things.
you got it my man, i won't have know what am missing out on and i definitely won't have any goals as i believed i was already living the best life
Anyone who wants to be successful in life must work very hard. People who are now successful today did not just fly there. Well, there are some people engaging in dubious or fraudulent activities and they believe that you cannot make it in life if you do not engage in fraudulent activities but it is a lie. You can make money by doing legit things too.
There is money. There is enough money to make. Let's keep striving
We'll get to the top!!!
one does not need to engage in fraud to be rich, there are many legit ways to make money, we just need God grace to find them... see you at the top dear❣️
You sometimes if we don't leave our comfort zone which happens to be our parents house we might never get serious with our lives
And we might not have dreams because anything we do there our parents will always have our back.
That reminds of when I first got to Lagos to work and I fell sick, no one could stay off work to take care of me like my mom will do my elder sister will always tell me Dara this is Lagos you don't sleep on top of bed and expect someone to take care of you
I was so sad at first but later I realized that I have to get up because I have a dream to pursue meanwhile my mom is not there to pamper me
leaving our comfort zone is a necessity because it limit us ....
That experience will definitely make you stronger because you wont need to rely on others again when you fall sick or better still you will try taking care of yourself faster when you notice any sign of illness
Yes and that helped me a lot when I moved out of my sister's house
Great read! Once your eyes and mind becomes open to what's out there, it's hard to go back to sleep into a normal life. Striving for a better life is not easy but I believe it's so worth it. Settling for average is not for me too...
if hardwork is what it takes to live a better life, then we got to give it.. nothing is free even in free town
Rightly said. Freedom is not free, everything comes with a cost.
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Thank you for this piece, it's really enlightening.
The visit to your cousin was a great one indeed. Your cousin’s talk with you burst your reality bubble but most importantly it set you on a path for greatness. Her talk with you was clearly a life changer.
The best part @burlarj is that her words did not fall in deaf ears- you took action. A lot of people want change but do nothing for it.
It is also good that you are now living more comfortably inna place that will foster you dreams and goals.
I love this write up , even the Bible said, "AS A MAN THINKETH IN HIS MIND SO HE IS "since I have known this verse in the word of God , I never settle for less , because I am never satisfied of the level I am