There Is No Time!

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As in ehn… the rate at which we’re growing these days ehn, time should calm down small na. I’m now at that stage of life where I know people who are getting married, I know people who are losing loved ones and I also know people who are living the kind of life that I would love to live. As an adult, there are so many things I have to learn to do, introvert or not. Whether I like it or not, I have to turn up for my friends and family both when they’re in their ups and when they’re in their downs.

Everywhere I go, I see children, I see pregnant women, I see teenagers. It’s the circle of life. It’s never-ending and it will keep going on no matter what any of us does. In a few decades, we’ll be old school and the children we’re calling small today will be the ones championing our futures. By then, we’ll be the outdated ones and have to rely on them to be conversant with the trends of the time.


So, if there is one thing I would like to tell them, it’s for them to know that there is no time at all, but there’s still time. It might sound confusing, but this is the truth. If a man dies at 30, people will say he’s too young to die. If the same man is foolish at 30, people will say that he’s too old to be that way. What am I saying? There really is no time, life is short. The days fly by so much that in the blink of an eye, months and years have passed.

Last week, I went out with my guys just to chill and we were talking about how so much time has passed since we met and how much has changed since then. It made us realize that time could be going without you even noticing it. So, there is no point in living a life that does not bring you happiness. Spending even an hour doing something you don’t want to do should be taboo and should be avoided like a plague.


If you’re going to get married, do it because you’ve seen someone that loves and makes you happy. If you want to have kids, have them because you’re ready both financially and mentally to chest the arrival of a baby. Whatever it is you’re looking to do, make sure you’re doing it for yourself. Don’t make the mistake of doing it out of pressure, you’ll regret it. Don’t marry out of pressure, or because you’re getting old and all your mates are married. The truth is that as long as it’s not something you originally wanted, your happiness can never be total.

Eventually, what you really want will come along and it will be difficult not to stray. Even if you end up not straying, you might never be happy again because then you would know what you’re missing and you also know that you’re not getting it.


So, like I said, there is no time to do things that don’t make you happy. So while you’re at it, chase that dream job, make that money, travel around the world, and have fun!!! Because no one knows tomorrow, if you miss them now, you might never get to experience them.

But then, while there is no time, there is still time! No matter how much time you think you’ve lost, it’s never too late to start. There’s a saying that the best time to start was yesterday, but the second best time is this minute! Yeah, you can never be too late to go after what you want for yourself.


When you go on TikTok, you’ll see really mature people making content and they always have followers who engage in their content. They make money from it and always smile at the bank, meanwhile, some of their peers keep thinking that it’s too late for them. No matter what it is you want to do, there is still time for you!

You can still get that dream job, you can still be a successful actor or artist. Whatever it is that you want to go after, you can still do that. When it comes to chasing your dreams, there is no deadline. It all boils down to you and how much you want it. That will always make all the difference.

So, my dear friends, don’t forget this tidbit. Life is not to be rushed, take your time so you can enjoy every second of it. It should be enjoyed and not endured. If something is not worth your time, then don’t do it. It’s as simple as that. In the same way, if a person is not worth your time, don’t pay them any mind. Focus only on what is important and what makes you happy. Believe me, you’ll see the wonders this will work on your life as a whole.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is To The Coming Generation. Feel free to try it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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Truly, there is no time but we have to be careful about our decisions so we don’t do the wrong thing and we should not rush things
Slow and steady but we gotta have it at the back of our minds that there is no time


The concept of time is funny. One minute we are complaining about how long a day or week is but the next minute we are wondering how an event we thought happened a few months earlier actually happened several years ago. Sometimes I'm reminded that time is no longer on my side when I see people I'm even older than getting married 😅 anyway, life is a journey and not a race, it doesn't matter who gets to the end first but what matters is how well you use your time and getting to the end with no regrets


Life is not a race ooo, there's no point putting yourself into any unnecessary competition. As in ehn...


The truth is that as long as it’s not something you originally wanted, your happiness can never be total.

However, we'll probably never do everything we really wanted.

When it comes to chasing your dreams, there is no deadline.

As for this☝, some dreams really do have expiry date. Once it's not achieved at the right time, it's never coming back.


Omo... can you tell me a a dream that is bound by time? One that as long as it's gone, you can't achieve it...


I'll use one of mine as an example. I once had a dream of bagging my PhD by the age of 30. Of course I worked towards it and had my Masters by 27. About three years is enough to get a PhD, but I somehow missed my way.

Though I can still have a PhD one day, it's definitely not going to be by 30. That dream is gone and never to return.


Okay, I get you now.
But the time factor was placed by you. It might not feel the same with getting the PhD at 30, but when you eventually get it, it will still be a major achievement for you.
And in the end, when you tell people that you're a PhD holder, no one will ask you, "how old were you when you got it?"
Congratulations, by the way. You've really gone far!😇


But the time factor was placed by you.

The time factor was the dream that brought the enthusiasm. A lot of PhD holders are out there, but most of them got it well into their 30s, some, later.

Congratulations, by the way. You've really gone far!😇

Thanks, bro. Despite that I'm still trying to find my sweet spot on the very vast research space.


Don’t make the mistake of doing it out of pressure, you’ll regret it.

This is very important. Many people have missed their roads because they want to do things to impress others or do things under pressure. It is good to do something because there is an inner conviction for doing it. The coming generation will definitely benefit from this understanding.


Yeah... as long as you've got the conviction and it's something you want to do, then go ahead and do it!


Even though there is no time to check time someone should never rush into anything or else such a person will surely rush out as well.
Such is life, the time is short and long at the same time.


Time is short indeed, so when you see what you want, go after it. Life no hard at all.


Time is no doubt a funny thing but whichever case or way we see it it's best to make the best use of it. And to the best of our ability because we all can't be the same.


Nah... we can't all be the same. We're all unique.


Focus only on what is important

That's very important. Our priorities has a lot to do with where we head to.

There are certain things I feel about I am too late for them but then I think what if I have 30 more years to excel in the field. If I started it at 20 and died at 30, would the early start be of any worth. So, yes, it is never too late to begin the journey.


This is very thoughtful.

Life is really weird, it doesn't really support anyone it is left to everyone to make the best out of it. Choosing to do what matters or not will definitely have a result it is left to everyone to choose the kind of result they are willing to settle for.

Time waits for no man, it is a force of nature, it is a wheel that keeps turning regardless of anyone's stagnation or lack of productivity


Time goes on, but its never too late to do what you want. It's never too late for you to be happy.


Your writing was quite insightful. I agree with you and I believe if anyone have the willpower, then nothing and nobody can stop him. We can chase our dreams anytime if we are determined.


Nothing can stop him indeed. That's something we should all know.


Life is short, and you are right, I was complaining and sad that my parent are getting old not realizing I am now at their youthful age and before we know it, old age will come for me too, we should live well


As in ehn... old age will come for everyone, whether you're ready for it or not. We have to make sure we don't live it in regret.


I agree with you strong
We don't have time at hands
Live your life to the fullest
And always try to be you and no one else but you.
Do not rush anything in life.
Anything that comes in rush, leaves in a rush.
Let every single day of your life count.
This is a great one @bruno-kema
