The Choices We Make!!
Making a decision shouldn’t be so hard, should it? It’s like a true or false question, you’re either doing something or you’re not. There is no go-between.
But then, if only life was that simple. Decision-making is not black and white. There are so many circumstances that surround whatever choices you have to make, your experiences will also play a key role in this. And then, we also have to factor in your expectations. Sometimes, if your expectations are high, you can decide to go ahead with something, and if not, you simply decide to do away with the idea altogether.
When it comes to decision-making, the line that separates the “Yes” and the “No” is blurred. You can’t really tell where one starts and where it ends. There is also that gray area between both sections called Indecision. For us to get to one section successfully, we have to use all our experiences and knowledge to navigate the mazes of the gray area because that is the only way we would be able to make a concrete decision. If not, we would find ourselves jumping from pillar to post, making up our minds and changing them every other minute.
This is why the art of decision-making is so important. If we’re careless about it, then it means that we really don’t care about how the rest of our lives turn out. The life we have today is a culmination of all the decisions and choices we’ve made over time. Our lives would have turned out differently if we refused to listen to the warnings of our parents and instead put our hands into the fire, or walked into the road without crossing. Those tiny decisions have rippled across time to this very day. And that is how it is to this day. The decisions we make today will still have an impact on our lives ten years from now and the decisions of tomorrow will affect us more than twenty years from now. This is why it’s so important.
Knowing something like this, I tend to take my decisions seriously. These days, it’s quite easy to be swayed by the public and pressured into doing something you would rather not do. Many times, we allow the public and people who have no stake in our lives to make decisions for us, and in the end, we end up suffering for it. That’s very sad, but it happens.
When it comes to making decisions, I take it really seriously. If I can help it, I even put it off to the last moment so I will look at all the possible angles before making a decision.
The first thing I consider when making decisions is how they will be beneficial to me and what I hope to gain by the effects of that particular decision. Unless I’m doing it for someone else, there needs to be something I stand to gain, or else there will be no point in me doing it at all.
And then, I also consider what could possibly go wrong with the decision. This is all the consequences I’ll have to bear if things don’t go my way. If this is a risk I’m willing to bear, then I’d go ahead and make the decision. If not, I’ll simply forget all about it. This way, I’ll be prepared for whatever comes up and I’ll be equipped to handle it. I’ll also take responsibility for it because I know that it was a result of my decisions.
Then, one more thing I’d consider is what people will think of me. This is not something a lot of people think but considering how important it is in society, we basically can’t do without it. We have to care about what people think of us, and that will affect the decisions we make and how they see us. You can’t be acting one way and expecting people to see and treat you another way, it just doesn’t work. How you present yourself to people is how they’ll treat you. A lot of people don’t care about this, that’s why we see people doing all sorts of rubbish online just to get validation from people who aren’t validated themselves. Just sick.
Sometimes, I won’t have as much time to think all these through and I’d have to make a decision on the spot. No matter, I do what seems right at the moment. If it goes well, I’ll pat myself on the back, and if it doesn’t, I’ll simply take the L and move on. We can’t always win all the time. We have to know that sometimes, things are not going to go according to plan, and we need to be prepared for that as well.
Like I said at the beginning, decision-making shouldn’t be so hard. But then, life shouldn’t be so hard either. And yet, here we are.
I admire your steps in deciding because these things are truly important. Even though we can't be sure of what the outcome of our decisions will be, having it at the back of our minds that whatever decision we make today will have a huge impact on our lives.
Another thing I love is how you put people into consideration when making decisions, not many people do this and don't care what the aftermath would be for people.
Exactly! Our decisions will always have effects on the rest of our lives, which is why we must be careful when making them!
Making decision is not that easy, but whether we like it or not we must decide as long as we are alive.
It's very important to be very careful when making decisions because every decision we make has a way of affecting our tomorrow.
I love being responsible for my decisions, whether it pays off or it doesn't, let me bear my shame, allowing people decide for you as an adult is a very dangerous thing because none of them will still be standing by you if it's starts backfiring.
Exactly... people will tell you to do something and can even sever ties with you for refusing to do as they ask. But when it comes to bearing consequences, they would vanish! Really heartbreaking!
There is no easy decision and I always made sure I have check well before concluding on somethings because there might not be a second chance.
It hurts but there shouldn't be regrets if we are being sincere with ourselves and understand that not all our decision can't be perfect.
Yeah... all our decisions can't be perfect all the time. That's part of the learning process for us!
Sometimes we take little things for granted and it’s the end of the day, it ends up becoming something very big
The little things matter so we should be careful when taking decisions
Little things matter ooo! We have to consider them when making decisions!
You are right when you say we allow people that have no stake in our lives to make decisions for us. I remember how a cousin of mine almost died in her marriage because she was scared of what people will say.
Omo... this is scary. But a lot of people do this. Remain in painful relationships because they're scared of what people will say. People who are probably happy in their own lives.
What makes making decisions hard sometimes is considering the consequences of the decisions made. As easy as it might seem we need to consider that some consequences of some wrong decisions tends to last for a life time. Though thinking hard before making decisions does not not necessarily guarantee that we will end up making the right decision but then, it will ease the pain of regret knowing we considered all available options before making the decision.
It is really important to consider what people think about us because having a presentable character and attitude foster a good reputation in public but as important as it may be we should not also allow people's opinions on what should be interfere with our intention of making the right decision for ourselves. The fact that a million people believe something is right doesn't necessarily mean it is.
Yeah... we should be careful when considering others because if we rely too much on them, we would have no say in the decisions of our lives. And as you say, a million people saying the same thing doesn't make it right. You still have to be ready to look inward and feel if it's the right thing for you to do.
Making decisions may be easy sometimes but not every time. We can't be careless in the case of making decisions because we may need to bear the consequences for it. I am also serious in the time of making decisions and there is no chance to take lightly.
Never take it lightly because you can never imagine how it will affect you!
Decision making is actually something not always easy. But it actually very important that you think about your mental health before making any decision. It's very important
Yeah... mental health is important as well!