Seasons Have Changed!!!


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It’s sad how many people can no longer share love the way it used to be shared back in the past. Things are so different now, people are so “woke” and terrified that it has taken so many things from us, including the joys of the season. There were a lot of things that we enjoyed about this season, and for many of us, it wasn’t just the knockouts and fireworks that we had to play with.

It also wasn’t just about getting to eat food with our family members or receiving gifts that we’ve always wanted, or rocking new clothes and sporting new shoes. These were some of our fondest memories when it came to Christmas, but I think one of the greatest losses we’ve faced over time is the community that it brought about.


During my teenage years, it was hard for me to spend the entire day at home on Christmas Day. I didn’t go out to exotic spots or visit restaurants, instead, my friends and I would simply gather ourselves and start going from one place to another, visiting each other’s homes. We’d start at the home of any one of us and from there, we’d begin our epic journey. Eating rice and chicken at every stop.

By the time our homes were exhausted, we then started visiting other notable adults. In a day, we could visit at least ten homes. Along the way, we’d be gisting and blowing knockouts. If we had wanted to flex in some other way, we could easily have done it, but we just preferred this method. Having these parents pray for us and feed us, was always so much fun back then.


By evening, many of us would be too tired to do anything else except go home. We’d be too full to even eat dinner in our homes. All we’d do is sleep. This made us purge many times, but it didn’t stop us from repeating the process on Boxing Day and the day after as well. It was always crazy, but it was always so much fun.

This wasn’t all though. This was also a period where neighbors could easily cook more than enough meals just so they could share them with their neighbors. My mother did it a lot, she was one to share meals in the compound just as when others gave theirs, she received them as well. Christmas was always a season where Rice and Stew was always Very Plenty. No matter what!

Sadly, so much has changed over the years. I don’t know if it’s just the economic situation of the country or just people’s tolerance. These days being able to cook enough for your small family unit is a miracle and once that is achieved, you’d thank God and begin to look forward to your next meal. But then, when someone manages to cook extra and share, there are those who would not be so willing to accept.


A lot of things have changed and I’m afraid that it’s not for the better. And then, while I’m now too old to be roaming from house to house looking for free food this season, I’m not seeing kids doing it these days. I even asked around, and many people told me that no one was coming anymore. Is this because everyone is being considerate of the financial implications of the economy? Or are people just scared of eating food cooked by someone else?

Because during our time, it wasn’t just about the food or the drinks. It was just us having fun together and enjoying the season in our way. A lot of memories were made this way, and this was a period before social media became as addictive as it is today. I can only hope that things get better for us. I pray that we return to the period when Christmas was really all about giving and sharing love. Because what we’re observing these days is just not it.

Sadly, no matter how badly you want to share, your account balance has to be on board. If not you’ll be digging a pit for yourself. May things get better, indeed.

Happy Celebrations to you once again!!!


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.


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37.436 NEOXAG


A lot have changed not just because of the economic status of the now but many feel insecure and don't see the need of eating every food that enters their home. Some instead of eating food sent to them give it to their animals which may not go down well with the other party.

I remember some years back a neighbor gave us food then as we weren't lead to eat the food we gave the food to her own end, sadly the dog died same day. So obviously she introduced some substance to the meal.

Sharing food with people around us not bad though am of the opinion that we don't need to wait for Christmas or festive season before we do that and we don't need to receive from same persons that gave to us.

All the same, I do wish you the best of the season, sha don't forget my own meal

0.073 NEOXAG

Omo... some people dae ooo. It's things like this that make us wary of unwarranted shows of love. We really should be discerning when it comes to these things, because one can never be too careful.

0.000 NEOXAG

With time things start to change and those change are quite natural but in recent years the increase of inflation rate forced many things to change and in that case we can't do anything as it's related to finance.

0.072 NEOXAG

Yeah... we can't do anything except accept it for what it is. It's just the sad reality of life.

0.000 NEOXAG

I have been observing these kind of changes around here too. I think it's not necessarily that people are considerate about the economy but evils has prevailed. Parents now warning their children to thread carefully...this reduced the fun we experienced those days
Even the few children that moved house to house here only asked for money and not food or drink

0.069 NEOXAG

As in ehn... it's not fun anymore, but it's safe. No one really knows the other any more and everyone is just being careful. It's sad, but it's needed.

0.000 NEOXAG

This post reminds me of back then too. Going from house to house was a ritual on Christmas Day. It's just so sad to see how everything has changed. I can't really say is the economic impact although it's still part but societal change is one of the major reasons.

0.000 NEOXAG