Guilty As Charged...


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Compulsory healthcare would be quite good, you know? Mandating people to go for regular medical check-ups will go a long way in ensuring the general well-being of society. These days, many people don’t do check-ups not because they can’t afford it, but because they just don’t see how important it is and as such, can’t make out the time. That’s just how it is.

However, with the threat of prison time, people might take it more seriously. Just as when you’re pulled over by the cops and they ask for your license and other required documents, they’ll also ask for the proof of your last check-up. If you don’t have this, you’ll be fined severely, and if it’s even bad, you could be whisked off to jail right there and then.


As far as I’m concerned, this will be a good thing, especially when it comes to issues of mental health. A lot of people are touched in the head, and they have no idea. As the saying goes, “Many are mad but few are roaming.” That is very correct. No one takes their mental health seriously, and they don’t even entertain the idea of going to see a psychiatrist or therapist… even if it’s just to talk.

And what do we have? Seemingly ordinary people who had seemingly ordinary lives would suddenly wake up one day, pick up a gun, and shoot pupils in a school. Or people would just always be so angry and aggressive, yet there is no possible reason why. Even they have no idea why they’re so pissed off. There are people that for as long as you’ve known them, they’re always angry, they’re always spoiling for a fight. They will do and say anything to provoke you into a fight.


I always avoid such people because you can never win with them. If you fall into their trap and fight them, they could beat you silly and you may lose your life. But you could also beat them silly and then they could lose their life. Or limb. And then, you’d lose your freedom. Either way, you can’t ever win with them. Because in Nigeria, the Police won’t hear “he punched me first.” As long as there’s a body, and you delivered the killing blow, it’s basically an open-and-shut case

Mental health is a big deal and with the way the country is fucked up right now, we really need more of its awareness. So, if the government can make mental health checkups mandatory for everyone, then it would be a good thing. Hopefully, the rate of senseless violence and suicide rates will drop as a result.

But then, for physical health checkups, it’s a different ball game. I’ve read a number of posts on this topic and many are of the opinion that it would be a gross infringement of rights. That is correct. While I believe it’s in my best interest to go for regular checkups, not doing so does not place those around me in danger and as such, can’t be a crime.


What the government can do instead is provide incentives that would make people want to do such things. Make it cheaper and more accessible, let there be perks to be had for those who have had their checkups recently. As long as there is something to be gained, then people will definitely find a way to make it happen. That’s just how it is.

I really hope that people will take their all-round health more seriously. Because whether we care about it or not, it’s either gonna get better or it would get worse. But it’s never gonna stay the same.

That’s just a cold fact!


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

This post is inspired by the second topic of this week which is Compulsory Check-Up. Feel free to check it out.

N.B: All images used in this post are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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57.362 NEOXAG


I know most people wouldn’t do it because of the bills attached to the checkups while some will purposely ignore because they think they are healthy since they walk around forgetting that some sickness don’t put you down they stay longer in the body system and then strike whenever they want.

This country really need such mandate checkups to prevent people from untimely death we do see here and there

0.083 NEOXAG

As in ehn... don't forget the ones that see the symptoms but choose to ignore until it basically renders them bed ridden. This health issue Is very long.

0.000 NEOXAG

Going for the checkup alone is enough gain. I really wonder why incentives should be made available to interest people to go check their health statuses but i understand. After all, we're in this country tpgether.

0.081 NEOXAG

Omo... people have always needed incentives to do the right thing. In some countries, governments had to use incentives to get people to stop having more babies than they could handle. The threat of jail-time is also a good incentive tomotivate people to always pay their taxes. You'l be surprised by what a little incentive can achieve.

0.000 NEOXAG

I agree with you @bruno-kema. Many of the rich don’t take check-ups serious. The money is there but the time is their problem until something serious happens.

Because why is it then that many of the rich class who has cancer dies few months after detecting it? Its then they want to fly abroad and expect magic to happen in the hands of the oversea doctors. It’s baffling.

0.079 NEOXAG

Well, this is something we see every day. everyone believes they're superman until they meet something that brings them right back to reality.

0.000 NEOXAG

I believe that the two biggest problems are:

How the information and processing of your data will be carried out (receiving news, for example, that you have depression and this information is leaked publicly is a bad thing, for example.)

I also think that threatening will not solve the situation. I agree with you that encouraging is the best way, especially seeking quality and accessibility.


0.078 NEOXAG

Depression will be covered under doctor-patient confidentiality and can't be leaked. What exactly is protected is the diagnosis and everything the patient tells the doctor. But I don't think the Fact that the patient does visit the doctor itself is covered. Just knowing that someone visit the psychiatrist does not violate their privacy. Or so I think...

0.000 NEOXAG