Go To The Children...


Guduru Ajay Bhargav


“Go to the ants and learn from them.”

This is a popular adage that has proven to work in many of life’s issues. But then, I have also found another adage that can work in some issues as well. And that is to “go to the children and learn from them.”

There are a lot of children in my neighborhood, and many times when I am opportune to watch them play, I learn something new. Children will always be a source of knowledge because they represent all that is pure and innocent, something that many of us adults will never ever be again.


A group of children was playing football on the street. The oldest was a ten-year-old boy and the rest were just around four and six. So the ten-year-old made them all play against him, and their sole goal was to get the ball from him. As you would guess, he was a better player and a faster runner than everyone, he was playing way below his league. But I think that’s why he enjoyed it so much.

The guy was having the time of his life, dribbling the children and keeping the ball out of their reach. Whenever he dribbled one successfully, he would cry out and hail himself as if it was something spectacular. And when it looked like any of the children would get the ball before him, he would pull them back and cause them to slow down so he would get to the ball first. That was how he kept it up, dribbling them over and over. And in the end, it seemed as if he was the only one playing the ball, while the other children were just there to run after him and entertain him.

Kampus Production

At this point, it was no longer fun for them. Seeing as the game was too tough, they got bored and began to trickle away, going to play somewhere else. You know how easily children’s attention can be taken, and before long, the ten-year-old was left to play by himself.

After watching all this, it really touched me. Is this not how many of us are in real life? There are people who prefer to play with people that they feel are not as good as they are, people that they can easily outshine, just so that they can beat them over and over again. People like this avoid challenges because they know that when they finally come up to people that are equal to them, they will most likely fail.


And so, they glory in besting people that they believe are not as good as they are. They do anything possible to keep them in that position because as long as they are like that, they will never get better. The real risk comes when the people that were once “not as good as” finally become “better than”, and then they realize that they would have no one else to lord over.

But then, humans being humans will always leave situations they believe is not favorable to them. Most people do not want to be in the same place forever, many people love challenges, and even go out there to look for more. Because they know that it is the only way one can truly grow.


So, my dear friends, who are we? Are we the ones that keep doing the same thing because we are scared of taking on new challenges? Or are we the ones sick of doing the same thing and looking to grow? Your answer would determine the next course of action you should take, and that will get you well on your way to becoming a better version of yourself.

I really hope I was able to articulate my thoughts properly for you, this is what crossed my mind after I noticed what happened and I decided to share it with you all. I hope I’ve been able to pass a message today.

Rene Asmussen

Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below, I would love to know what you are thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

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After watching all this, it really touched me. Is this not how many of us are in real life? There are people who prefer to play with people that they feel are not as good as they are, people that they can easily outshine

Yeah people that they can easily defeat..


The ten year old child overshadowed the little ones because he has got the power to and yes, many people in real life do this to others... and it's not really fair

The real risk comes when the people that were once “not as good as” finally become “better than”, and then they realize that they would have no one else to lord over.

I really wish this should happen to those people who think that nothing good can come out of others.

Or are we the ones sick of doing the same thing and looking to grow?

This is me Bruno
I crave for growth by any legit way possible


The goal is to grow in a legit way because that is the only way it can be permanent. One can only do crime for a while before they are caught.

Thank you for reading.


Sometimes small children can teach us some important lessons even if they don't realize it. If we observe their activity carefully we may notice it.
Anyway, I wanna play with kids and it reminds me of my past means my childhood.


Hehe... children can be like that.
Thank you for reading.
