A Great Day To Remember...

Rakicevic Nenad


Wow… this season I have really had a lot to say about Christmas and New Year, my blog is more or less a string of jingle bells and red ribbons. But then, it’s the season, so what else is one to expect?

Everyone is now slowly getting out of the holiday spirit and getting back to work. We have spent all the money we can afford to spend, and it’s time to start making it once again. The month of January is usually one of the toughest because it’s usually that time of the year when funds are usually at their lowest. And for obvious reasons.


But, my dear friends, we are not here for all that. I am here to talk about the one New Year celebration that has lived rent free in my head for a long time. And of course, when I think about this, I have to go back to a time in my childhood. It is that one time when I was young and free and my major responsibility was to wash plate and make sure I didn’t stay out too late when playing.

New Year’s Eve!

I still remember that day like yesterday. It was the last day of December 2014, I was still a teenager and my family was spending it in the village. It was a full house and we the entire brood were there. And you know when everyone is around, there will be no quiet.

Although it’s not like now that my some of my siblings are married and have kids and families of their own, back then, it was just us. And it was even a miracle that we all were in the village at the same time that year.


As day last day of the year wore on, we prepared to go to church for the crossover service. All through the day children were blowing knockouts, different sounds, it was nonstop. In my house, my father had his Bonny M CD on repeat, and their Christmas songs kept on playing throughout the day. And as night fell, we prepared for church and eventually went out.

The road was free of vehicular traffic, but people filled it up. Children were running around, blowing knockouts, the wind was chilly but we had worn our hoodies and rubbed lip gloss to protect our lips from the harsh harmatan.

When we got to the church, it was packed! But we managed to secure a seat, and as we do whenever we go for vigils, we sat together as a family.


The mass started as usual and there was not much excitement, there were still those who were outside blowing knockout, it was distracting me, making me want to get out there and join them but I knew my Mom would not allow me.

Things started to kick up as we approached midnight. And when it was barely ten seconds more, the entire congregation began the countdown, shouting on top of their voices. It was thunderous, shouting numbers in tandem with the clock.

And when we finally got to zero, we all screamed, “HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”

New Year’s Day!

And that led to a rigorous session of praise and worship, it was loud and it was beautiful. No one cared, everyone just wanted to sing and dance to their heart’s satisfaction. It went on for more than an hour before the priest suspended it so he would finish the mass, because if he allowed it, they would sing and dance until daybreak.

After the mass, it was like we were entering a battlefield. Knockouts were everywhere, it was deafening. Fireworks were flying into the sky from left and right, exploding in a myriad of colors. Hard guy like me, I was not scared. I had my own stash at home, my parents didn’t allow me to bring it to church. I just couldn’t wait to get home and unleash my own brand of hell.

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Jonas Von Werne

The road was still free, some of the youths of the community had burned tyres in various places along the road, it was from here that everyone was lighting their knockouts and fireworks. We went home, feeling quite good with ourselves.

When I got home, my siblings and I stayed outside so we could blow ours and add to all the noise. We couldn’t be left out, could we? Anyway, after all that, we retired to our beds to sleep.
Morning came and food preparation for the day began in earnest. My father was expecting some visitors so we had to cook extra.

That day, I ate and ate. Not just food, I also drank wine (both palm wine and foreign), I ate a lot of garden eggs and groundnut until I was sure the leaf was growing out of my ears and nostrils. These things were just there, if we didn’t do justice to them who was going to?

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Nicole Michalou

Later on, we went out together to have fun on the town. We went to bar where they sold chicken peppersoup and we all did justice there as well. While we were there, some people released cannons, it was going to be my first time experiencing such. My heart jumped right out of my chest and fell into my plate. I almost got up and run. I said almost.

Soon though, we all began to get tired and sleepy. We had been having fun all day and even that could be tiring. So we all trooped back home and crashed for the night.

In Conclusion!

That day remains rent free in my head because it is one of the few times all of us have been together at the same time. Soon after that, with work, marriage, and obligations, one person would always be absent due to one thing or the other.

And now, having everyone under the same roof for an extended period of time would be great indeed. Especially with my nephew and nieces, all of us together and having fun as we celebrate the season.


For now, we all are chasing the bag and trying to build something tangible, so it is understandable. That is why it is my hope that as we move on in life, and as we get more stability, we will be able to make out time to hangout out together more. Especially on the first day of the year.

That is my prayer.

Craig Adderley

Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below, I would love to know what you think. Till we meet in the next post.

Ths post is inspired by the third topic of the week which is Best New Year Celebration Ever!. Feel free to try it out.


I feel like we should all agree that Christmas makes more sense in the village 🤗. The cooperation in shooting of bangers is another vibes which I think it's not done in cities because police will be chasing people. lol🤣.

The best I've had has been in the village


Yesso... Christmas in the village is more interesting. But then, it is the people that make it interesting, not the location. If you get me.
Thank you for reading.


It seems some of us had our best Christmas/new year celebration in the village in the midst of all our families and relatives. There's always something about celebrating those festive periods with a large number of relatives, it hits differently than spending it with our immediate family but unfortunately, I haven't experienced something like that in a very long time for the same reason as you; everyone is so busy these days


Yeah, when there is a large number of relatives, so many things to do and so many people to do it with. It is always more enjoyable. I believe what makes it so is the fact that you all know you won't be together for long, that's why it's so special. If these relatives had been living with you throughout the year, it might be different.
Thank you for reading.


Hmmm, I haven't actually thought about it this way and you're totally right. That feeling of not being able to see them again once the celebration is over is what makes it even more enjoyable. There's a higher value in rare moments


I can say that we all had the best celebration when we were young than now that we are adult

Because then all we want for the celebration is to eat and had a beautiful cloth on but now it is more than that


Indeed... it is now more than rice and fine dresses. We have grown beyond that.
Thank you for reading.


You are correct dear. Such seasons brings family together and old memories awoken. I am feeling same way now that I traveled home for the new year celebration. I am very happy to see my siblings and their children that I have not seen for years. I don't even want to go back, but what can I do? I must go back and struggling continues as usual.

Thanks for sharing.


Indeed... there is no choice. You have to go back, and because of that knowledge, you will cherish every moment you spend with them. That is what makes it so special.
Thank you for reading.
