Introducing Coffee Grano A Grano (En/ Es)

Hello my dear coffee lovers, on this occasion I would like to present a new coffee that I have tried, and this is the gourmet coffee Grano a Grano, in its 500 g presentation. What most caught my attention was the beautiful packaging, whose design is between sober and elegant, with colors that intermingle very well dark brown and gold that “paint” the coffee leaves throughout the packaging, besides having a ventilation system, which is an exhalation valve that effectively allows the aromas of coffee and all its other components to come out, keeping it perfect, fresh for its consumption.
In its aromatic profile there are citric notes of chocolate fruits that give it a very original touch in its flavor. It is a full-bodied coffee, with a good taste of pure coffee; for those who wish to drink it clear they should use a much smaller measure than what they are used to. In my case, as I like it stronger, I use a little less than I usually do, since as I said before, it is a coffee with a good body, that is to say, quite pure. It is a purely Venezuelan coffee, coming from the state of Merida, specifically from Santa Cruz de Mora, from where the selection process has 3 stages, certifying and guaranteeing a bean of excellence.

In this way, each cup of this coffee has an excellent balance between freshness and flavor; this condition of quality is certified by the seal of guarantee, very recognized as is the Norven, apart from other seals of quality that guarantee its excellence. This product can be found in large supermarket chains and grocery stores where high quality products are offered. It has other simpler presentations, as far as I know, but this one was the product of a gift that, in my case, was very well received as you can imagine by me.
For coffee lovers, this type of gift is always well received and, as you will see, I could not contain myself and at once prepare it as I like it at home, black, ready to wake me up or cheer me up, even my dear cat Raspicuim was attracted by the gift, ha, ha, ha, ha. When I was taking my photos to share them with you, he didn't want to get off me, with his curiosity intact, so he came out as part of the decoration, ha, ha, ha, ha.
So you know, if you want to drink a very rich and original coffee that can be prepared in a machine or in a traditional way, this coffee lends itself to it, since its delicate texture makes it very easy to manipulate, according to the taste of each person and as you can see, it came accompanied by beautiful roses, of different colors, but I especially loved the black one that was in tune with the beautiful packaging, all these flowers were handmade, very beautiful. A detail to close with a flourish. So if you come across this coffee, do not hesitate to buy it and try it, I assure you that you will not regret it.

I will be very happy to answer your kind comments in case you have already tried it or will try it in the future. Have a nice day, best regards!

Hola mis queridos amantes del café!, en esta ocasión les presento un nuevo café que probé y este es el café gourmet Grano a Grano, en su presentación de 500 g. Lo que más llamó mi atención, fue el hermoso empaque, cuyo diseño en entre sobrio y elegante, con unos colores que se entremezclan muy bien marrón oscuro y dorado que van "pintando" las hojas de café en todo el empaque, aparte de poseer un sistema de ventilación, que es una válvula de exhalación que permite que efectivamente, salgan las aromas del café y todos sus demás componentes, manteniéndolo perfecto, fresco para su consumo.
En su perfil aromático, están notas cítricas de frutas achocolatadas que le dan un toque en su sabor muy original. Es un café con bastante cuerpo, con buen sabor a puro café; para quienes deseen tomarlo claro deben utilizar una medida mucho menor a la que generalmente acostumbre. En mi caso, como me gusta más fuerte, utilizo un poquito menos de la que acostumbro, ya que como dije anteriormente, es un café con bastante cuerpo, es decir, bastante puro. Es un café netamente venezolano, proveniente del estado Mérida, específicamente de Santa Cruz de Mora, desde donde el proceso de selección tiene 3 etapas, certificando y garantizando un grano de excelencia.
De esta manera, cada taza de este café, tiene un excelente balance entre frescura y sabor; esta condición de calidad la certifica el sello de garantía, muy reconocido como es el Norven, aparte de otros sellos de calidad que garantizan su excelencia. Este producto, lo puedes conseguir en las grandes cadenas de supermercados y bodegones donde se ofrezcan productos de alta calidad. Tiene otras presentaciones más sencillas, según sé, pero esta, fue producto de un regalo que, en mi caso, fue muy bien recibido como imaginaran por mí.
Para los amantes del café, siempre es bien recibido este tipo de regalos y, como verán, no pude contenerme y de una vez prepararlo como me gusta en casa, negro, listo para despertarme o animarme, hasta a mi querido gato Raspicuim le llamó la atención el regalo, ja, ja, ja. Cuando estaba tomando mis fotos para compartirlas con ustedes, él no quería quitarse de encima, con su curiosidad intacta, así que salió como parte de la decoración, ja, ja, ja.
Así es que ya saben, si quieren tomar un café muy rico y original que pueda ser preparado en máquina o de forma tradicional, este café se presta para ello, ya que su textura delicada, hace que sea muy fácil de manipular, según sea el gusto de cada quien y como pueden ver, vino acompañado de lindas rosas, de diferentes colores, pero en especial me encanto la negra que iba a tono con el bello empaque, todas estas flores fueron elaboradas de forma artesanal, muy hermosas. Un detalle para cerrar con broche de oro. Así es que si se topan con este café, no duden en comprarlo y probarlo, les aseguro que no se arrepentirán.
Estaré muy contenta de responder sus amables comentarios en caso de que ya lo hayan probado o lo prueben en el futuro. Qué tengan un bonito día, saludos!

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More coffee brands continue to be created in Venezuela. According to the characteristics you mention it can be something different from the others. I have already copied the packaging to buy it and I know how to use it thanks to you. Greetings 🤗
That's right, more brands of Venezuelan coffee are coming out and this coffee is very rich, it has a pure coffee flavor, it is not bitter, it leaves no doubt that it is an excellent coffee. Greetings😉
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by:)

The image belongs to millycf1976.
According to what you describe, a coffee that I would like to try, it is not yet available here in Cumaná or I have not seen it, as soon as I have the opportunity, I will not waste it, I like coffee
Well, when you have the opportunity, my dear friend, and you see it, do not hesitate to buy it. Because this coffee tastes like coffee. You understand me right? 🤣 Hahaha hahaha hahaha this is a saying that we Venezuelans have when we assure that something is good. Greetings!