Social Consumption: Stupid or Not?

You can no longer trust the information out there. If it isn’t a hoax, it’s just plain bullshitting with people selling lies to desperate people eager enough to believe them because their lives are not as exciting.

See, we have come so far from the beginning and we are now in chapters that hold bizarre plots and twists in this book called life. Especially life lived on earth. It’s not what it used to but I’d say change is inevitable and growth is a must but just how do we know we are moving in the right direction?

How the World Moves Now

For the world, you can tell that it has strayed far far away from what is right. We are now in the delulu era, filled with so much unrealistic expectations and people. Someone says something and we wonder if that person has actually lived life as we know it.

I barely understand half of what this coming generation says. There are just so many ideals and beliefs that even they get confused on what the right path is. It’s so easy to take advantage of people who have no idea what they really want from life.

Are we progressing or retrogressing?

As I was saying late last night to a couple of peeps in the Neoxian City, we have come a long way economically. One even pointed out that you can get paid now just doing anything. Which is true. It wasn’t like this in the days of old.

With the birth of tech and the revolution of human civilisation, we can now do whatever and earn from it. In fact, money seems to be in technology. You need to have some tech skills to earn really well in this economy. As the world progresses, we’ll see need for less hard labour and more smart work. Just like it has been happening since the beginning of time.

Are the contents we feed ourselves worth it?

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Don’t get me wrong, I know that there are good things out there but just how many? Lately, it seems that people just wake up with this bizarre notion that they are so smart they can do whatever. I don’t spend time on social media. I’m either working on my projects or I’m playing with my son. It does more good for me than spending hours scrolling mindlessly through a platform that just dishes out mediocre content based on an algorithm.

I guess the real question would be, what do we feed ourselves? What do we let into our spirit? Mind you, you don’t just absorb and throwaway. Whatever is the content you’re feeding on now leaves you with a mark. Unconsciously, you may accept what is being told to you which is very dangerous.

See, we are humans for a reason. We learn and thrive from experiencing the world around us. However, this also means we are susceptible to all the negative influences it offers. Which is why while we live from experience we must not forget that we make new memories and meet new people.

So when we read that article or watch that video “advising” you on how to behave, stop and think. Remember, content doesn’t leave you the same. It either make or mar you.

Just what is the measurement scale for stupidity?

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

How do you know if you’re losing it? How can we tell for sure that we are not stupid or too stupid? That’s an interesting question.

From my perspective, the stupider you are, the more likely you are to call others stupid. It’s a very riveting point of discussion. I mean it makes you question a lot of things - that is if you’re really willing to look at things.

So you may come across people who just have a thick skull. You can’t reason with them or get them to understand anything. Instead, you get the most unpleasant five minutes just trying to talk to/with these people. It messes with you quite a bit but most of all, it just brings you down a level.

What is the best way in dealing with Stupidity?

I’ll say just ignore (why am I getting deja vu just writing this?), because that’s the best option. It’s not worth arguing or trying to be right. We are all privy to our opinions. It’s good that we voice them and hope that we are understood. It’s also good to listen to others and take whatever you feel is okay.

In conclusion, I’ll say that what you digest only does either of two things. It either adds up or it takes out. It can’t do both.

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