Would you like to hear my marketing proposal?

If you've hung around Telegram for as long as I have, then you'll know they are plagued by people trying to sell the owners marketing.


It's something we aren't very familiar with on hive because we have an automatic generated audience right at our fingertips. And, well, if we don't reach the right people then we can always go into the relevant discords and talk about it there.

Marketing for your project on hive can just be merely making yourself known that you're in the discord -- we're quite the small, tight nit community here.

So as you know I've taken to Twitter and YouTube to market our wares on web2 social media as an idea to get people onto our web3 existence. I am now starting to see the fruits of our glory in real time as I watch people join our discord that have zero affiliation with hive or any hive projects at all.

And well..

All I've been asked so far is if I'd like to hear their marketing proposal. Now don't get me wrong, most hiveans are ex-redditors, or at least the big ones are, and well to them, cold promotion is like nails on a chalkboard. You might as well have taken a picture of your hairy schlong and sent me it -- you're going to get roughly the same reaction.

To understand hive you have to understand reddit. Not all of us are ex-redditors (I'm not), but to get in with the gang and "roll with the homies" you have to understand how disgusted and ban happy these guys get when someone comes around cold promoting their skills or the next shitcoin to grace the market.

Take it from me it just wont work. On hive participation is key. No-one will give you any time of day on here if you haven't at least bashed out two or three posts and started communication with us yet.

Does that work in our favour? Probably not, but it keeps us relatively safe from people that are low effort -- you can absolutely tell this by the content that they produce. Will they be a good hire or not? Let's look at their profile and see what they do first.

That's not to say we aren't scam proof. There have been plenty of projects that have came here, promised us the world, but delivered not that much, or just ran out of money and not stayed the journey into the next bull. So no, being guarded isn't bullet proof, but it helps.

I guess I'm writing this post because I'm starting to have some success (or perhaps bad luck as some may view it) with people coming in via the traction I'm gaining on social media, and well, I've had quite a few Marketing proposals thrown at me so far..

.. and I'm not Interested. Not in the slightest. In fact unless you're Elon Musk and offering to give me a free tweet on twitter then just really, don't bother. We have our means and methods, and we're gaining traction on our own. Word of mouth is the best way.

Most of the guys that have came in and asked me, don't even know the type of project we are, or what we do here, or how long it takes to even get recognised by our general community. Remember, we are a community first, a crypto token(s) second.

In case you are wondering my fellow hive friends, I'm writing this to placehold in my community for the people that seem to be coming in their droves right now to market me their skillz. lol.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 188 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Dude. Bro. I have this Chia Pet NFT idea and Magic 8 Ball website idea you can fund for only $150k. Hurry! Investors are lining up, and time is running out! 🤪


Now don't get me wrong, most hiveans are ex-redditors, or at least the big ones are, and well to them, cold promotion is like nails on a chalkboard.

Shit! that's what I already suspected!
