A deeper look into building communities


I am, at heart, a community builder. My last job, before venturing online was to go into places that normal people wouldn't go and set up community hubs, get people talking, get people sharing and talking.

These places were, well, let's just say, the world had forgotten about them, left them behind; some of the houses I visited didn't have front doors -- and the smell was like most of them were cooking meth all day.

That being said it was not my job to judge, but to get people active, find purpose, grab something deeper inside themselves and roll with it.

Everyone's journey is different, and layered. If you asked me 25 years ago what I'd like from life it would just be to get a job and out of the horrible situation I was in; I'd just been signed off on sick for a year, and nowhere would hire me because of that.

Now if you ask me it would be to tokenize the world.

But then I'm in a completely different position now, to what I was in 25 years ago. I took the laddered approach. Every step is a goal, and every time I completed that goal I moved up a step.

That's why when approaching someone at the bottom of the ladder you can't automatically expect them to know what's at the top; even looking in, it's hard to tell.

I do believe though, that everyone has that diamond inside them, waiting to shine bright, it just needs to be kickstarted.

I say this because I've met incredibly intelligent people in the past who were just devastating underachievers; the potential to take the world by storm was there, but the roadblocks in their life were way too steep.

One of the most intelligent people I've ever known killed themselves a few years back. Real trauma is not to be taken lightly.

This isn't a sombre post, though, it's supposed to be an uplifting one, so I'm going to take it into a different direction.

Crypto has a funny way of making you see life from a different angle; we are a predominantly artists chain yet we are dependent on the money, and we are dependent on the dev building,

Which sucks.

Anything I try to build on here that will benefit artists of any kind costs lots of money; lots and lots of it.

And time also costs money, unless you're a child, and then you cost your parents money. It costs for me to be here, it costs for you to be here, it costs for everyone to be here.

Any sound businessman knows that time is the biggest cost in business -- that's why I hear at Amazon, job conditions are pretty brutal; always looking to shave down on those time costs per employee.

Now to piece this article together I DO believe that this will be the year that people en-masse are going to enter crypto; this will be like some sort of "great unification" where financial abundance is about to meet regular people, with every project and business looking to onboard people with the allure of free tokens and benefits.

We are right at the beginning of this.

I very highly suspect Web2 is going to become very old school and a thing of the past -- and people that attract crowds (and are knowledgeable about crypto) are going to end up the influencers of our time.

Places like hive will see a massive influx of writers, videomakers, and soundmakers, and it's going to be far less about the money and more about skill and attention.

The main reason Hive doesn't attract anyone of note (yet) is because we focus highly on the money aspect, and not enough on the artistry and the allure of good art.

A prime example of this would be if I started a free course on writing and attention, no-one would come, no-one would be interested, but then if I was to issue an airdrop -- everyone would come.

This is (in my opinion) one of the primary failings of Hive. 0 focus at all on attention. All focus on the money.

How come we all still use twitter? But not hive? These are issues we need to solve as a community before we even think about onboarding the masses.

I was trying to solve them with Cine, but we ran out of money in the end! We will be back though, don't you worry.

However, this isn't our fault of course; for attention to be a marketable product you will need a huge amount of readers -- and well, Hive doesn't stack up well in Google. Last time I seen a hive result pop up was years ago.

The problem with hive right now is that it looks like a web1 program we all used when the Internet was just gaining clout. Like a backwaters forum where nerds would go to discuss the flaws in the 9/11 tapes.

If you look at proper attention forums like Medium, YouTube, X, they are all seamless and so easy to use even the most jaded internet user can create something on there with one eye gouged out and an arm tied behind their back.

Hats off to @leofinance -- they are at this moment trying to currently solve all of the problems I've talked about as we speak. I mean for all we talk about them in the community, they are actively trying to provide us with solutions to the problems we have.

We'll be next.

I'll be starting with what I'm good at,


I'm going to run courses for people that would like to learn to write more; more than another splinterlands battle post, more than something about what they ate, or their day.

Primarily, I'm going to ask people -- if you were regular joe on the internet and came across your post, would you be interested in what you had to say?

We'll talk ideas, and concepts, and the psychology behind what draws people in. It'll be fun -- and we'll concentrate on building and learning for a change rather than the finance.

I'll announce it when I have the time -- but I think communities need a stronger bond than just stable finances; they need something to really get behind, futureproof, and I'm going to start creating that for you guys!

Today, I'll get building.

The future is in the social, not the finance. Trust me.

Sort the social,

Sort the finance.



Look forward to seeing your courses. Be great to be able to write more engaging content - i have a couple of posts I’m happy with but doing that on a regular basis is a challenge to me.



I am hoping to create vibes like networking, infiltration, and the power of the mystery.

It'll be good. Trust me :)


Good luck, seems 99% of the community here is looking for maximum $ with minimum effort.

Look how many even high earning accounts here are obviously using copy and paste ChatGPT.

If you can’t be bothered to write it why should we care to read it?

And then there are those who have fully automated “curation” accounts who don’t even comment let alone write.

It’s like Hive is a faucet with extra steps. So frustrating.

I’ll keep trying but it does feel like a large boulder to keep rolling.


I feel it is in our power to change that. The illusion is thinking that you have no power to change things.


Yeah that’s true, just feels like fighting the tide.


All great people throughout history were fighting the immense tide of stagnation. Don't sell yourself short my friend :)


I'm at the same point with SlothBuzz, started thinking everyone would want to be involved just to build a community and work together to succeed, but the majority are just looking for a way to make a quick buck. If we want to build Hive we have to do it from the bottom up, truly enabling communities and users to grow together. I think recently, things are starting to get easier, UIs are improving, and user ease of use is improving. But there's still a long way to go, !SLOTH and steady wins the race.


Well, don't poop on your community - I think it's our jobs as leaders to shine a light forward!

But yeah, it's definitely getting easier :)


Well, don't poop on your community

I mean, that seems like a pretty easy thing to achieve. It's sad that in crpyto that needs to be pointed out to the majority.

Sloth and steady does it, Rome wasn't built in a day and all that. As long as more people come to focus on building the future and not grabbing their quick gains we're moving in the right direction.


IMO ray you are much more genuine and real around these issues than in finance. You are no expert in finance. I was looking at some of your videos, and honestly your old stuff about social issues and mental health was just "better". Maybe more genuine? idk

Even the thumbnails called out to me more.


Well, you're not wrong there.

It struck me the other day that trump opened the floodgates. He really has. Whether it was intentional or not, but there really is going to be a massive influx of noobs to the gates in the next (4?) years.

Like a tidal wave, nothing we've seen before.

Attention is going to be the next wave of finance, and attention I'm pretty damn good at.

I'll be honest, you're right, hard focusing on the finance over the last two years isn't my personal choice of spending my hours. But that is a rod I've made for my own back, so we carry on.

So trump has kind of instilled some new ideas in my head. Some exciting and different avenues to take us.

We'll see.


I’ve been in this ecosystem (Hive) for a few months now, and I’m currently working in the copywriting space for both Web2 and Web3.

I really resonated with what you shared because I believe Web3 has so much potential. However, I think the financial aspect can sometimes attract people more than the sense of community and purpose. It’s something I, like everyone here, wish were the opposite.

By the way, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for the courses. Even though my primary language is Spanish, I’m learning English. I understand most of it (as long as it’s not super scientific texts, haha), and I get by with the help of a translator. So, I’d be thrilled to be part of this 💜

Cheers and happy week! 🙌🏽✨"

Tengo algunos meses en este ecosistema y actualmente trabajo en el área de copywiriting para Web2 y Web3.

Me identifique mucho con lo que comentas, porque considero que la Web3 tiene todo el potencial solo que, el factor económico puede generar más atracción que el propósito en comunidad. Es algo que, al igual que todos aquí, me gustaría que fuese lo contrario.

Por cierto, estaré muy atenta a los cursos. Aunque mi idioma principal es el español, estoy aprendiendo inglés, entiendo gran parte (siempre y cuando no sean textos muy científicos jeje) y me defiendo también con ayuda del traductor, así que me alegraría poder formar parte 💜

Saludos y feliz semana 🙌🏽✨

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