Rough Road Ahead?



I've been in a bit of a funk lately. I think part of it has to do with having Covid last week. I really wasn't prepared to take almost an entire week off of work and while I am caught up on everything, that incontinuity has thrown me for a loop. On top of that, the markets have left me a bit uneasy as well. It's not that I am worried about where they are heading, but I think we can all agree these long stretches of effectively nothing happening can get to you after a while.

Sure, the price has went up and down a bit, but for the most part we have been hovering in the same range with some spikes here and there. I remember this period from the last cycle as well. It can be mind numbing just sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Finally, I think another part of the reason I am in a funk is because I realized the other day that I am now completely out of content from this past summer. That means from here on out, I am going to be flying by the seat of my pants for my weekly blog posts. There's a definite uneasiness knowing that I don't have content lined up and ready to go for the next week.

I'm not the sort to post just for the sake of posting, but I'm also not going to miss out on this opportunity to grow my account when the price of HIVE is low. No matter what anyone tells you, 99% of us are all here for the same reason...

finance Friday.png

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.

It would seem the price of BTC has rebounded a little bit after that drop below $60,000 yesterday. Along with it, the price of HIVE also seems to have recovered a bit. I was really hoping the price of HIVE would fall a bit more so I could pick some up at some good prices. My buys are still sitting out on HIVEHUB waiting to be picked up by some lucky person looking for HBD.


There is a good chance I am going to be writing in the "Reflections" community a bit more over the next couple of months. I have some working ideas for posts that aren't quite fully formed yet. These are the kinds of thoughts that work well with a random rambling reflection post.

I think another reason I might be in a funk is because I am starting to realize that many of the altcoins I was hoping might become something this cycle are probably not going to do much of anything. I'm still holding a lot of random tokens from last cycle, and my gut is telling me that those tokens aren't going to return to their former glory. Instead it is going to be newer tokens. Sure, there are some old standbys that are always good to hold, but for example, WAX which had an ATH close to $1 last cycle will be lucky to reach $.50.

My best (not financial) advice I can give you is if an altcoin hits an all time high in this next cycle, just sell it. You might not be happy at the time, but eventually you will be happy you did.

So far, "Uptober" is looking a bit blah. Sure, we are only five days into it, but it still just feels a bit blah. I'm trying to think back to 2017 when things really started heating up around this time of year. If I remember right, it was that month between Thanksgiving and Christmas where things really started to blow up, so I guess we have some time.

Port Strike Over (For Now)

In case you missed it, the port strike is over in the US. Well over for the time being. The workers have agreed to come back until January while they negotiate on a contract that is agreeable for everyone. Thank goodness because people are already starting to act like idiots and make a run on toilet paper again. Even though toilet paper isn't even imported through the ports that were shut down.

It's interesting to see what people are most concerned about when crisis start to develop. Apparently the average populace of the US is mainly concerned about how they are going to clean their butts.

Whatever I guess.

Politicians should take note if they are still angling for votes.

Speaking of the Election

It's right around the corner. Something like 30 days away or so. @mrsbozz and I got our absentee ballots in the mail the other day (don't tell the Republicans). I'm still really not sure how I am going to vote this year, but I honestly take offense that my vote is not legitimate or any less valid because I am absentee voting versus actually showing up to vote.

I'm pretty lucky that I live in an area where if I did vote in person the lines are quite short. I can't imagine waiting in line for hours like some people do. Civic duty aside, in the words of Sweet Brown "Ain't nobody got time for that".

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I think a lot of people have this feeling that we are right on the edge of something big. It might be something financial, something global, who knows, but it's this feeling. Like something you can just see in the corner of your eye, but can't quite put together fully. It's there, and it's coming. Are you ready?

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


It’s definitely an uneasy feeling in general. Are we headed for the cliff and down into the abyss of the Grand Canyon or are we headed for pristine pastures of Yellowstone? It is really unknown which way we will go, to death or prosperity and it’s fucked that we don’t know.

The crab walking is waiting for the action. Either pump more or dump harder. It’s a good time to accumulate either way, but gotta make sure we have some stuff in reserve just in case of a further dump.


Yeah, I have been accumulating what I can. I'm trying to keep some liquid so I can make a big move if things flip the other way too. This isn't my first time with all the sideways stuff, but I think it's easy to forget just how boring it can be.


Financial collapse followed by World War 3? it could get exciting way too fast the way things are going... I personally don't like either candidate for president, it seems to be the trend over the last many years for me.

I know what it feels like to have nothing to write about, make it up as you. It's part of the reason I didn't post yesterday, and I was a little burned out anyway. The day off did me some good! I hope you start feeling better from the COVID funk. I had it for Halloween two years ago and I still have some lingering issues with memory and my balance from the infection. And that was after the vaccine nearly killed me, COVID has been one nasty little bugger. The gift that keeps on giving! lol


Yeah, things are going to be interesting for sure. I think there is going to be a lot of uneasiness the next couple of months no matter what happens. We just need to buckle in for the ride. I'm doing better now, but I am sure there will be some after effects that stick around for a while.


My best (not financial) advice I can give you is if an altcoin hits an all time high in this next cycle, just sell it. You might not be happy at the time, but eventually you will be happy you did.

Best advice.

With few exceptions, the vast majority of the altcoins I've bought in past cycles went to zero during the subsequent bear market and stayed there even in the following bull. I imagine it will be mostly the same this time. Sad to say, that very likely includes Splinterlands tokens and cards. (But I'd be happy to be wrong about that)

The election will be wild. I'm voting absentee, for obvious reasons, so according to the MAGA Republicans that now control the party I am cheating the system. Oh well. Indiana is almost certainly going red, so my vote won't matter one way or the other anyway, but I will cast it regardless. I don't know how you feel about Jon Stewart, but I was taken by something he said the other day: that most journalists he's talked with are expecting the election won't end at the election this year and are planning coverage of the resulting expected chaos.


Yeah, that is what I am afraid is going to happen with a lot of my alts. I wish I had last cycle to do over again. I know what you mean about absentee. I don't know why it gets such a bad rap. I agree, it's going to be messy. If Trump loses, he will likely start a revolution that it was rigged. If he wins and starts making the changes he claims, the world will realize oh crap and there will still be a revolution. We are in for civil unrest no matter what.


It does feel that something Big is just around the corner, even from up here in Canada. Same feeling. Possibly because a lot of the content I consume, does come from the states.


Could be. Unfortunately, I am afraid it is going to be something negative versus positive, but we will see


Markets have been boring I was really hoping to see more price movement off that last Hive pump. As for the dock strike I figured they would get that sorted out fairly quickly with how many eyes were on the situation. Here's to hoping you can get out of that funk!


Thanks, I appreciate it. Yeah, the dock strike was interesting.
