Letter agencies been busy this week...



Hot dang it's been a crazy week as far as news goes. I have so much stuff to share with you, I don't know if I am going to have enough time to get to all of it today. As the title suggests, those letter agencies we have come to know and love in the US have been some busy little beavers this past week.

It all started back on Monday when I saw a news story about a couple SEC lawyers who were resigning after the agency was censured for abuse of power in a crypto case. Then things took a bit of a shift when it was announced that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) had moved to ban most noncompete agreements in the US. Apparently their thinking is workers being able to leave and work for competitors will be a good thing overall. They believe it will improve wages for workers and also drive innovation.

Do you agree?

Back to the SEC. Just the other day I saw that they are being counter sued by Meta Mask who is requesting that they change their classification of ETH. If you want a more in depth look at what is going on there, check out @edicted's latest post.

Finally, this morning I was alerted that the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) had finally come to their senses and reinstated Net Neutrality that was repealed when Trump took office. This is a big win for the masses I think and I really hope it sticks this time. These days broadband access is definitely a necessity and should be treated as such.

What do you think?

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.


New Silver

I wrote a while ago about a Coca-Cola silver round that I had a friend of mine pick up when he was visiting our local bullion store. He is a big Coca-Cola drinker and collector, so he grabbed an undisclosed number of the rounds for himself and I asked that he pick one up for me as well. We finally saw each other in person last night for dinner, and he handed over the round.

It was about $29 USD which I was happy to pay. The spot price of silver is right around $27.50 right now plus I know the Coca-Cola theme gives it a bit of extra value, plus the bullion store had to make some profit on it.


It's a 1oz round of .999 fine silver. As you can see on the back there are actual bottles of coke. @mrsbozz thought it was going to be shaped like a bottle when I told her about it. I have seen some like that, but this is just a generic round. I'm still looking for a Captain Morgan Rum 1oz round that I can pair with it to recreate one of my favorite cocktails!


I was going through some of my old crypto bookmarks the other day and it was quite interesting to see which links still actually led somewhere. Many of them took me to missing/defunct pages or static pages from long dead projects, but there were a handful that still actually worked.

Probit was one of those and by some miracle it appeared I still had an account. I didn't dig into it too much, but it appeared there was a Hive pair on there. I was under the impression that most Hive pairs were inaccessible to us folks in the US after Binance US and Bittrex shut down.

I'm curious if anyone can speak to this? Are you a US user that has successfully used Probit lately? Is there much liquidity, or is it one of those sites that looks like it's accessible, but as soon as you try to withdraw or trade they hit you with a KYC prompt?

I didn't have time to dig into it too deeply myself and I haven't circled back to it yet.


I finally hit a milestone of having 100K ZING staked the other day. I've been delegating about 1/3 of my Hive Power to the project to earn the ZING token. At first I was selling some of my ZING, but now that the price has kind of stabilized, I have been focusing on holding it more. What I have seen of the game looks interesting and I want to at least dabble with it when it is finally released.

It appears @acidyo has been a bit MIA for a bit. I am guessing people who are "in the know" probably know what's going on. I remember he or a family member was dealing with some health issues, so I hope all of that is okay. I also hope the prolonged absence doesn't stifle some of the hype that has been generated around this project. I've been working on stacking some funds to buy packs when they finally become available.

I've also got a bit of ZING and SWAP.HIVE paired together in the liquidity pool. With an APR of 35%, it's still a pretty good deal and it provides some liquidity for those folks that are still dumping their ZING.

Sports Account

Finally, if you are a sports fan, I encourage you to check out my alternate account @bozz.sports. I mostly cover college basketball and football as well as the sports my nieces and nephews are involved in. Most specifically, softball, volleyball, etc. As you probably know from my main account, I am pretty religious about replying to comments. Unfortunately, I have been getting nearly zero interaction on my posts with the other account.

If sports isn't your thing, that's cool I understand. If you do enjoy sports though, I encourage you to checkout out my other account. Oh, by the way, I stopped doing Actifit posts a long time ago, so you don't have to worry about sifting through any of those over there either!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


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Thanks for the great roundup, the agencies in the US have been busy! Lol. I hope thing relax abit for you guys over there. Nice silver round! Silver is doing well lately.


I hope so too. We need a bit of relief before election season really kicks into gear!


Coke Cola round looks good, as you mentioned price of silver plus brand should make a worthwhile investment.


Thank you! I hope so!


The SEC definitely abused their power, nice to see some abusers leave the agency. Non competes never should have been legal in the first place, so good riddance to those agreements. People should be able to compete wherever they want, I think it's a good thing.

Some very nice silver, you got a great price and the coke logo adds a little value I think as well. Great buy!

I didn't really dive into Holozing. I hope it's a huge success but I have been a little skeptical of games as of late. I hope Splinterlands recovers to give the cards some more value again.

Wild week! Glad we all survived it!


Yeah, Splinterlands is driving a lot of people bonkers right now I think. I hope they can figure something out. This is definitely a collectors piece that I likely won't part with. I've been in the same job for close to twenty years, so a non compete has never been an issue for me. They don't really have that in public education anyway. People bounce around all over the place all the time.


Coke Cola round really looks good, because as you mentioned price of silver plus brand should make a worthwhile investment.

Nice write-up by the way


Did you purposely just copy @joanstewart's comment or is it a coincidence?


i think it must have been a coincidence, never saw his comment



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