First night on the road: More Davenport Iowa



When my wife and I decided to head out to Denver Colorado to watch our niece play softball over the July 4th holiday, I quickly looked at Google Maps to see how long the drive would take. You might wonder why we just didn't fly?

The problem with watching softball is sometimes you end up doing it all day (depending on when the games are scheduled). Sure, you could sit in bleachers all day, but we prefer to take our camping chairs with us to be more comfortable. In addition to that, it was quite hot while we were in Colorado, so traveling with a EZ-Up style sun shade was a necessity. As you might imagine, those items don't travel well on an jet, so we decided to drive.

My sister in law and nieces flew from Columbus, while my brother in law drove their gear out himself. He did it in two days. We could have technically gotten to Denver in two days as well, but I'm getting old and I didn't want to run myself down like that.


That's why I decided Davenport Iowa would be the perfect place for our first night's stop. It was about seven to eight hours away from our home giving us some good distance on the road, but not too much.

You can read more about our first stop in Davenport in this post.


Getting to Davenport was no small task... Traffic was moving along pretty well until we got to Gary Indiana. If you have traveled through that area yourself, you are probably started laughing as soon as you read that last sentence. Gary, IN is notorious for having horrible traffic. It's where several major expressways come together and it is a huge hub for traffic heading out of Chicago.

It's just horrible. We lost between a half hour and an hour sitting in traffic, but the Eastbound lanes had a rougher time.


When I was a kid, I spent quite a bit of time traveling around the Eastern part of the US with my family. @mrsbozz did some traveling, but probably not as much as we did. That makes it extra special when we get to visit new places together and share new experiences.

This was her first time in Iowa.


As I mentioned yesterday, I also believe it was her first time ever crossing the Mississippi River in a car. We've flown over it several times together, but it's always a little more special when you cross over it with a car.


I actually lied a little bit earlier. The first thing we did when we pulled into Davenport was visit our hotel. Then we stopped at Vander Veer Botanical Garden to look around. I've said this in posts before, but since Covid happened, the state of hotels has really went downhill. Perhaps it was happening already and Covid just exacerbated it, who knows.

We stayed at the DoubleTree by Hilton right in downtown Davenport. DoubleTree's are usually a more upper class hotel, but this one didn't feel that way. It seemed run down and honestly not as clean as I would expect. After checking in we went up to our room only to find a large puddle on the floor.

I called the front desk and they explained that new AC units were recently installed, but incorrectly and it was causing the issue. They were going to send a maintenance guy up with a bucket to catch the water.

@mrsbozz was a little disturbed that their initial solution was just to put a bucket under it versus giving us a different room. It didn't take long for the maintenance man to show up and as soon as he opened the air handling unit, a flood of water came pouring out. He admitted it was worse than he thought it was going to be, so I asked him if he could facilitate us moving rooms. He called the front desk and made it happen.


So we traded the view above, for one less desirable. If you have ever been to an Embassy Suites (also owned by Hilton), you might know about the wide open internal space where some rooms face the outside wall and some rooms face inside. That was the kind of room we ended up with. There was no puddle on the floor, but it still felt like the A/C unit wasn't working properly, which made for a warm humid night of sleep.

Maybe it's just the Hilton line of hotels that have went downhill. I have a Marriott Rewards Card that maybe I should start using. Even the Hampton Inns we stayed at later in our trip weren't that great.




We spent a little bit of time driving around the downtown part of Davenport after visiting the Botanical Garden. It appeared there was a minor league baseball team based out of the city, but we didn't try to get tickets or anything, we had to be back on the road early the next day!


Instead we ended up at a place called Front Street Brewery which is purported to be Iowa's oldest brewpub.


It was a cool old building with an interesting vibe, but the food menu didn't have a lot of options that appealed to @mrsbozz (or myself at the time), so we just had a couple of drinks and an appetizer before moving along. Actually, now that I think back, the main reason we decided to move on was because the Captain Morgan and Diet Coke my wife ordered was actually Diet Pepsi. You might think what's the big deal, but those who know will tell you there is a huge difference and it's a mortal sin to try and pass one off as the other.



The vanilla porter was delicious and the fried cheese curds were also quite good. They had some house made ranch that worked perfectly with the curds as well. Given other circumstances we probably would have had a very nice meal here.




Instead, we made our way right around the corner to a regional chain called The Barrel House. It was a nice evening so we decided to sit outside and we enjoyed a couple more cocktails.



@mrsbozz got another Captain and Diet Coke (we made sure they had Coke before we ordered), and I got The Barrel Bourbon. It ended up being a bit sweeter and more "fru fru" than I planned. It was good, but I wouldn't get it again. I'll take my whiskey on the rocks thanks.




The food on the other hand was a different story. I would totally order it again and eat here again. I got a burger with a whole mess of stuff on it as you can see. I even sweet talked our waitress into having them add some of their house made pickles to it. They were sweet and spicy which added a nice kick to the burger.

@mrsbozz got a chicken sandwich without the bun and had them add some of their house made honey mustard on the side. She said it was delicious. The fries were crispy and quite amazing. I actually had about three different things I was looking at on the menu, so if I was traveling through Davenport again, I would definitely come back here.


Davenport Iowa is a cool little town with a lot more going on than I would have guessed. Our waitress at The Barrel mentioned that they just legalized weed in Iowa and a place down the street was opening a movie theater where you could partake as you watched a movie. I don't really feel like we give off the "stoner" vibe, but she must have just assumed when we said we were heading to Denver. Is that the only reason people go to Colorado?

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


Do you get different 'vibes' as you travel between states? A lot of places are full of corporate chains, but a bit of local flavour can be nice.


We always try to visit local or regional places as much as we can. It's not as special if I could get the same thing back home. We were basically in the Midwest, so things felt more similar to home than if we were in the deep south or something like that.


Well I guess some things never change... traffic around Gary has always been insane, and I suppose it always will be. When I was a kid I always wished that there was still a train from Muncie to Chicago. Why they got rid of that I'll never know, but I could say the same of all the passenger trains we once had that we no longer do.

Back when I still drank pop on a regular basis, I always preferred Pepsi. Nowadays on the few times I do drink pop, I always prefer Coke. Pepsi is just so sweet—I have no idea how I used to be able to drink it.


Pepsi is really sweet. I actually prefer Dr. Pepper, but it's even sweeter. I don't really drink soda anymore though. I remember driving through Gary when my sister lived in Illinois and it was bad even then, so I knew it would be horrible!


Great's must a good day..😍


More nostalgia is hitting today! River Drive doesn't change much it seems :D though businesses have moved or changed hands. Neither Front Street Brewery or the Barrel House were around back then but wow, both your burger and Mrs. Bozz's chicken 'sandwich' look delicious and I would have no trouble ordering either one. The bridge looks nice, it must be the new one. The old Arsenal bridge was a swing span bridge that sounded like you were driving over railroad tracks and it was sooo narrow, it scared me every time I had to cross it lol. Thanks for the look back! You and the Mrs. Bozz have a safe and happy journey!


Thanks, I appreciate it! I grew up in small towns, and even those have changed, so I can't imagine all the differences in these larger cities between today and back then! The food was more fantastic than I expected at The Barrel House.



Is the charge for the bridge, or do you have toll freeways now (with less traffic). If bridge, how much to cross?


No, the toll was for the road. I actually feel like it was more busy.


Oooo pretty rough start to your trip. Glad you found a good meal at the Barrel House though. Their burger looks delicious brother !PIZZA


Oh I remember Gary traffic the times I would drive to Chi town. Horrible experience. Glad you got through it okay. I would have probably took up the weed shop offer, LOL.


We found a reasonable way around it on the way home. It was mostly back roads, but it got the job done.
