Lady Lasers make a run on Sunday


After the flurry of activity that happened in Colorado, the Lady Lasers had a short break before they were scheduled to be back in action on the fields. Thankfully, this time the games were a little closer to home for most of them. I'm actually not even sure I have been to the park they were playing at before, but it looks like a really nice complex in the town of Hilliard, OH just outside of Columbus.

It kind of feels like most of the summer the ladies have been playing the same teams over and over again. That isn't surprising given the distance most teams are willing to travel and the relative proximity to Columbus. Colorado was a nice break from that cycle giving them a chance to see some new faces and some new strategies.

This tournament in Hilliard seemed to have a good mix of both those things. They played some teams I know they have faced in the past, but they also came up against some teams that I have never heard of before.

Action started on Friday the 12th with their first pool play game. It was a 2 to 6 loss to a Shockwaves team. Thankfully, that loss was all they needed to knock the dust off and they proceeded to dominate for the better part of the weekend.

They second game on the 12th was against a Gators Premier team which they beat in a close 4 to 3 game. Then on Saturday they had their first game against a Cincy Doom team that I think they have played at least three times this season. They came away from that game with a 3 to 1 victory.

Next up, a Virginia Legends team that they throttled 7 to 0.

Sunday started bracket play and I should point out that the Scarlet team was placed in the "power pool" based on their performance so far that weekend.

Usually bracket play is pretty rough for the ladies, but they hammered out two quick wins on Sunday. The first was against their sister team the Ohio Lasers Red 4-1, and the second was against an Indiana Dreams team 5-4.

Finally, after a few delays due to thunder and lightening, they came up against a team from Long Island New York. It was a tough game, but they were eventually beat 2 to 3. Usually their bats are a bit hotter, but this was some of the best softball I have seen played by these young women. It was pretty cool to see how far they have come.

If they had won against Long Island, I think they would have had two or three more games to get to the championship game. Which goes back to my post from yesterday... Five games in one day is just too much for these young athletes.

I'm not sure the date, but it sounds like they have one more tournament left before summer ball is officially over. I'm excited for fall ball, but also a little sad it is going to be over so soon!

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