performing for no one


In and out of sync

Just when one thing falls into place, all too many times, some other thing seems to fall out of place.

This past week, while lying in bed, my one-year old son nestled up against me, I was thinking about various things. As I did so, my attention randomly settled on the breathing of my son and myself. His breaths were fast and shallow, mine were deep and slow, and somehow, they managed to stay in sync with each other, always matching up on the fourth inhalation.


your breathing
and mine

Your worst enemy: Imagination

My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer that has metastasized to his liver. He wasn’t given a prognosis about how much time he has left, but a pretty bleak picture about the nature of his illness was painted for him.

How much time does he have left? Will he somehow, against horrible odds, beat this disease? It’s hard to say.

What is comforting, though, is that he has remarked many times, I’m completely satisfied with the life I’ve lived, so if I die tomorrow, I’m okay with that.


six months
the doctor says
and the sky is still blue

Little Women

How quickly they grow up, right under your nose, without you even realizing it. One day, you walk into their room, and suddenly everything is different.


a new makeup case
sitting on the shelf where
the dollhouse used to be


Habits and Routines

A few months ago, to help my wife ween our son off breastmilk, I began taking my son for walks at night. Now, when he is ready, he takes out the baby carrying strap that I use to hold him, gets my attention, and walks to the front door saying, Shoes. Shoes. Shoes.

As soon as we get outside, he points to the sky and says, Moon. Moon. Moon.

Sometimes it is right there for us to see, sometimes we have to go and look for it.

When I think of my son, I like to imagine him waiting all day for the moment that he finds the moon shining at night.


waiting all day
to see you shine
in the night

Writing from Reality

Last week, while driving to work, I pulled up to a red light and there it was, this poem, happening in real time, exactly how its written.


performing for no one
she stands on the corner
school bag in hand

The Artist

Any creative who shares their work finds themselves, in one way or another, in this situation. Sometimes it is nerve-wracking. Sometimes it is thrilling. Sometimes it is embarrassing. Sometimes it feels risky. Sometimes it feels like a transgression is being made. Sometimes it is subtle. Sometimes it is risky. Sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes it just is.


exposing myself
to all the world
words on a page


Looking back …


fallen leaves
I leave my honor
here with you


As always, thank you for reading.

All poems and images are original. If you have any comments, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to share them.


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Greetings @boxcarblue ,

Lovely work, beautiful arrangement of words.

Do each of these poetry phrases not carry a ping straight to the heart....oh yes they do.....I will read them again and again. what looks a terrible disaster...we marvel the sky is still bleu. Does not Shakespeare have it raining when something bodes ill? is harder for Bleujay to post her paintings than to post photographs and you wrote...

'exposing myself
to all the world
words on a page'

Thank you @boxcarblue ...thank you.


I would like to see more of your paintings.


Thank you @boxcarblue ...very kind of you to say. We will see...atm I post one a month. ^__^


Great poems! It really is amazing how the world is full of wonder for young children, and it's too bad they outgrow it. It sounds like you are making the best of the short time you have with your youngest. They grow so fast, like you said about the makeup replacing doll houses.

Sorry to hear about your father in law, that's one of the worst cancers he has unfortunately. It's a miserable one too, I feel for him and your wife. It's going to be a rough road.

Great work like always!


Yes, I’m well aware of how fast the time goes. I’d like to spend more quality time with my older children, too, but they aren’t aware of how fast time goes and how precious the time we now have together is, and I can’t force them to spend their time with me. 🤣

So it goes.

It’s much easier to do with the little one.


Once they're teenagers it's tough. Once they leave home then they like to spend more time with you, but never as much as you would like!


The biggest struggle I have now is contending with their devices. As soon as I ask them to turn them off, they get in bad moods and that usually ruins the time we have in the car or wherever to catch up or make plans to do something.


This is a gorgeous collection! I love the make up one. That one brought so many memories to mind for me, all the stages my children grew through, each of them so very different from the others. How is that possible? How could it not be possible?

Performing for no one, I love that the poem appeared exactly as you have published it. I usually cannot remember those when I get somewhere where I can write them down. Now I just let them flit in and flit back out. They are yummier to me that way, fleeting, but very much there. Mine and no one else's.

Lovely work.


Yes, getting rid of the dollhouse and then finding make up in its place the following day was a bit of a shock. 🤣

Getting rid of the dollhouse was sentimental enough, but to have it replaced so immediately, that was pretty shocking.


Beautiful compilation encompassing life's miracles and struggles. When I look at the last image with the bench, the words "Moon. Moon. Moon." make my heart sing. Fascinating to experience the world and cosmos through your son's eyes. Therefore, I'll go with Haiku 4 today 😊


It’s definitely fun to see the light in his eyes and imagine how he sees the world. It’s also interesting to compare his excitement and wonder to the way his older brother and sister are now viewing the world.

It’s a shame how quickly the magic can be squeezed out of us.
