My Introduction To Hive Learners Community


Hello Everyone

My name is Boscohage as it is boldly stated in my profile, I've never said this out loud here but HAGE are my initials to my name as H would mean nothing really. Clearly, I might seem to want to divulge the meaning to the initials but decided to keep it the same as not to disclose still.
For quite sometime, I've always had the intention of making an introduction over here as I'm doing right now but eventually end up not doing so.
Hive is a great place that has made me become a writer as I never intended to but because when I was in college, this was an opportunity that opened itself up for me and didn't think a moment as cryptocurrency was a big deal for and still is a big deal. There's always no need to think of an opportunity that presents itself with great reward for the future before taking that leap.


I've spent many of my time blogging about cryptocurrency and always wanted to do more until I saw this community that had Nigerians all over. I thought to myself that having the certified Nigerian badge was very fancy and a great initiative. Clearly there's hive Naija community but I didn't seem intrigued as hive learner preferably presents a community to learn more as the name implies.

Talking about learning, you'd be surprised if I mention that I'm still a learner navigating the blockchain. Coming over here is to explore the outside territory of leofinance community which has been a place for me. Time only teaches one to remain patient and diligent, ever willing to learn on the way moving forward continuously. Growth has always been a big deal for me and seeking ways to get better and share a little knowledge would be very insightful and clearly I feel the community embraces that.

I guess I'd be able to flow more on being myself than one who puts out crypto content as I miss that intrisic part of myself. Be sure to see and hear more from me. One day at a time, we find our flow as we move through life and keep our minds open to learning.

Thanks for visiting my blog till next time.


Welcome to this community and many many good wishes for you. I hope you maintenance all rules.

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