The Book of Secrets 🦋

The very first step to unlocking the secrets of the universe is to simply look within ourselves; our bodies. The secrets of the universe are already inside of us, for our bodies have evolved in rhythm with the universe.

Our cells are intelligent, despite not possessing brains.

▪️ white blood cells are able to distinguish between invading bacteria, and harmless pollen

Cells know when they must sacrifice themselves for the greater good, or purpose.

▪️ they even rely on a very specific trigger known as p53 to self-destruct should they have abnormalities

Cells only take in enough energy to sustain themselves -- no more, no less.

▪️ it has been observed that cancer cells form when those particular cells store more than they need (greed)

We witness it firsthand every time that we unconsciously breathe, or digest food, or process information. I was astonished to go through pregnancy and produce another life inside of me, without having to put any thought into it! 😄

Like anything in nature, our bodies just know what to do, naturally! And it is because they have had thousands of years to work in harmony with the universe.

Metamorphosis has perhaps been one of the greatest mysteries of life! 🦋 Why does it need to occur in the first place? What happens inside the cocoon? How is an insect able to completely transform into something else with an entirely new set of skills?

"A cosmic rhythm has been intimately connected to the birth of butterflies for millions of years."

Take it a step further: the Death's Head Hawk Moth.


The moth emerges from the cocoon with warning spots on its body... in the form of a skull. This means that at some point in its evolution, the moth was able to discern that a skull is not only associated with death, but that death is synonymous with a "bad" thing! That absolutely blows my mind.

Or! the alternative: the moth went to the trouble of learning such a complex design, and we as humans just saw a skull 😅 Regardless, an oddly specific pattern to learn when just a brightly-colored dot would suffice.

Next, the book tells us that we must begin to transcend our bodies, if we wish to meet our full potentials. In simplest terms, we need to perceive life through more than just our senses.
For example, when we only perceive life through the senses, the book compares us to airplane passengers. When you are at the whim of your senses, you feel a lack of control, for you have no idea what's going on.
The pilot, on the other hand, is not as anxious because he has had years to be behind the wheel of the plane. He understands the mechanics, how to prepare for the weather, what to do in an emergency, etc.
Meanwhile, the designer of the plane is at the top of the pyramid. He has learned how to utilize nature, the laws of nature, etc. in order to create something that works in harmony with the universe.

In order to move from passenger to creator, we need to look inside of ourselves for the answers.

"Seeking is doomed because it is a chase that takes you outside of yourself. ... You are starting from yourself, and it's the self that contains all of the answers."

We can see that so much suffering and unhappiness is self-imposed, brought on by false beliefs and self-images. We should know that happiness is internal and cannot stem from external sources, yet so many of us turn to them. Happiness cannot be found unless we begin to look inwards and realize what kind of person we are. After all, happiness doesn't mean much if it can immediately be thwarted away by another's words: "You're a terrible person.

"The secret cause of suffering is unreality itself. ... People build up a sense of unreality until it seems totally real."

This is where false image originates, and it dictates so much of people's lives. If a person has only relied on external sources of validation for happiness, identity, etc. then they may be more likely to believe others. However, a person who has accepted themselves for who they are, mistakes and all, knows it does not carry any weight in their heart.

"The road to freedom is not through feeling good; it is through feeling true to yourself."

(Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

There is so much that we will never understand about the universe, but I do know this. The moment that I finally accepted in my heart that death is not something to be feared, that our lives do not end, I felt at peace with my life. Obviously I still do not want misfortune to happen, but if it should, I understand and accept that it is a part of life.

"When you look around you see conflict in the world, but not in your world."

And it has always been around for us to witness: the seasons. If you are fortunate enough to experience all four seasons, then you consistently prepare for the ebb and flow of the weather. You witness the decay of life around you during the bitter winters, only for spring to warm up the earth and bring her back to life.
The arrival of flowers is perhaps one of the most beautiful signs of life, and we know that we can count on their arrival year after year, regardless of how cold, unforgiving, and endless the winter may seem.

"Science is God explaining God through the human nervous system."

After reading this book, I am left with two facts.

The first is that, life is truly what you make it. Firstly, because only you can know what you need from life, since the answers are inside of you, but secondly, because there is no way to prove that reality is reality.

"The brain offers no proof that the outside world really exists, and many hint that it doesn't."

Or, for that matter, that you perceive reality the same way that I do. Life could very well be a dream, or a video game. Who is to say that I have not already passed on and I am living out my memories in this moment? If this fact is the case, then there is nothing to prevent us from making life to be whatever we please.

And the second is, I guess that anything is possible. The existence of life on earth is only possible due to water, yet water only exists because it emerged from two dry elements, and we will never truly have an explanation for it.

"Wetness had to emerge as something completely new in creation."

The cerebral cortex first developed over 500 million years ago, when we were cavemen in hunter-gatherer societies and our only purpose was to survive. Yet, the cerebral cortex came programmed with the ability to read. A completely useless skill by survival's account, yet it remained for the human being of the future.

"The universe is forced to respect your boundaries. ... Our ability to read came into being when prehistoric man developed a cerebral cortex ... This trait survived for the creature who was emerging."

So, perhaps there has always been something larger at play~

That will do it for today's post! 👋 I hope you enjoyed and hopefully learned something new! Thank you so much for reading, please enjoy the rest of your week 🙏


The cover immediately caught my attention and as I read your post I felt like it was a very introspective book really worth reading. Your reflections on it sound very interesting but probably anyone that reads it can have a slightly different take depending on what they get from it and their own introspection.

Gracias post!


Happiness cannot be found unless we begin to look inwards and realize what kind of person we are. After all, happiness doesn't mean much if it can immediately be thwarted away by another's words: "You're a terrible person.

These are incredibly wise words. Haven't heard anything more beautiful than this today.

"Seeking is doomed because it is a chase that takes you outside of yourself. ... You are starting from yourself, and it's the self that contains all of the answers."

Another beautiful piece of writing I caught. I know all the answers...
