The destroyed city

In the heart of a serene valley, the metropolis of Govani stood tall, its golden spires reach for the heavens. Known for its peaceful streets and favorable people, Govani was a radio beacon of hope in an often troubled world.

But single fateful night, as the moon hid behind thick clouds, an ominous tremor shook the city. The ground quaked violently, and the people of Govani rushed come out of the closet of their homes in terror. From the depths of the earth, a monstrous figure began to rise—a creature of antediluvian legend, forgotten by time.

The teras towered over the city, its body made of molten rock and fire, its eyes burning with a fury that seemed to have been simmering for centuries. Its roar echoed through the mountains, causing the ground to crack and buildings to crumble. With each step, the earth separate open, swallowing entire blocks of the city. The people of Govani could undefined nonentity but take flight in despair.

The creature’s ire was relentless. It smashed through the city’s grandest structures, tearing apart the palace, the libraries, and the market squares. The once-beautiful city was rock-bottom to ashes and rubble, its golden spires now set and broken.

As dawn approached, the monster, having destroyed all that was dear to the people of Govani, retreated back into the earth, leaving behind a wasteland. The survivors, though few, looked upon their finished place with tears in their eyes, knowing that the city of Govani, the bejewel of the valley, was no more.

Yet, in the thick of the destruction, a small group of survivors vowed to rebuild. They knew the legend—that the monster would return when the city had lost its humility. And so, they secure to rebuild not in gold, but in stone, to create a city that would place upright not as a repository to their pride, but to
to their resilience.
