Character Design Challenge : Stylish Critter Chester Gruntley

Hi creative people and friends and community members,

Meet Chester Gruntley, my entry for the Stylish Critter challenge of our friend @cabalen. I wanted to create a character that blended vintage charm with a whimsical personality. If you notice I focused on creating an Anthropomorphic Elegance by giving Chester a thoughtful glance, suggesting that he is a pig of refined manners. His Eclectic Fashion Mix is evident in his semi formal green jacket paired with a casual scarf and slightly baggy trousers and oh that quirky umbrella slash cane. To achieve an Exaggerated Silhouette, I used an oversized scarf and a wide brimmed hat, giving him a sort of distinct in the society. I also played with the color palette using contrasting yet harmonious colors, and added personality with details like the elbow patch and the way he holds his umbrella. I hope you like him
