Finance In Marriage



The issue of finance in marriage as destroy many home. The principal of finance in marriage need to be understand in depth before jumping into marriage. Marriage is beyond I love you or you love me. Financial issue can destroy marriages, Many marriages are surfing because of financial issue some marriages as end because of this issue bad financial decision.

In 2024 You need to be financially wise before jumping into marriage. If you are married and your marriage is having financial issue it's an indication that you need financial education.

Marriage is like a company, The bible call it union. It's a union between a man and a woman. In business we call it joint venture. Before setting up a joint venture the two parties must come into financial agreement before the business kick start. The first thing to do before marriage is setting up financial agreement between you and your partner. Its better it should be written, documented and signed between the two parties before marriage. This help you to define your marriage finance.

Marriage is a joint business venture between husband and wife. Each parties must bring something to the table. In business Each party must bring capital into the business. It's wrong for only one party to bring capital into the business, two are better than one.

Setting up a joint bank account is a issue of choice between the two parties don't let anyone decided for you or influence both of you decision; make proper research and pray before taking your decision. Having a joint account is not bad because two are better than one and it will make the marriage open. The two parties need to come into agreement before the marriage about joint bank account.

You both have to come into agreement about joint project and how bills need to be paid in the house. On no account should the family bill be paid by one single individual.

Every business is built on trust, on no account should you betray the financial trust your partner put in you. Without trust and honesty your new family will never progress. Always tell you partner the truth, I will advice you to be open to each other and never take your partner for granted because they are open to you.

Goal setting is very important in marriage, you both set realizable goal monthly/ yearly. Reflect on things together, never take financial decision alone always consult your partner and respect their decision.

Always have monthly/ yearly budget for your family at the end of each month/year carry out progressive analysis so you may be sure if you and your partner is progressing financially. Always have constant talk on your financial development. Your financial development is very important like your sexual life.

I hope someone find this article helpful, in developing your marriage finance or preparing for marriage.


@hivewatchers I am sorry and I accept I did pligirism and open different account which is bad, I am a change person pleas give me opportunity to prove myself. I am committed to the development of hive In Nigeria and Africa.
Pleas don't down vote me again. I really want to be free, it's about five years suffering from this. I believe i need to give my best to hive in Nigeria and Africa I will be happy if you give me another chance.

0.853 NEOXAG


Thanks for the advice. Being critical with marriage decision is something that I have always advised young people to do. When you plan and prepare very well towards it, it becomes an enjoyable experience rather than a painful one.

0.000 NEOXAG

You are absolutely right. Marriage decision can destroy your life or make you.

0.000 NEOXAG