Hivenaija weekly prompt: My source of motivation


Something fishy's going on. It's like @hivenaija wants to bring out the motivational speaker in me today, lol. But we aren't here for sweet talks, instead we are facing reality as it is head-on.

A lovely day to y'all hivers, nice prompt topic by the way. I appreciate the fact that our feelings and opinions are always put into consideration. Thanks @hivenaija and all its embodiment for peppering us with the type of comfort found in homes.

What or Who motivates me?

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Simply put, I am my main motivation. Honestly, life will throw stones; it's a must and how ever I try to dodge those stones, I'll still get hits. I fall and rise again, sometimes I rise immediately while other times, I just take a nap there on the floor. I can't come and kill myself.

I don't have any particular words to say to myself neither do I have the ability to force things to be what I want but what I'm sure of is I give myself that push when things begin to get tough. It's the way I've learned to live because it's not all the time I get the kind of motivation I need to get my derailed train back on track.

I hope you don't think of this as an act of selfishness but truly, only a person that wears a shoe knows where it pinches. When I feel it's time for me to double my hustle, I get going with it and afterwards, I allow myself to be lazy because it is what it is. We are humans and forcing more strains on ourselves doesn't build us stronger, it just tires us thereby elongating the time to rest and recover.

Situations that give me the "ginger" I need.

Depending on the occasion when I need to step up my adrenaline to get to work, I'll reflex on my past performances, weigh them with the present and get the needed answer to do what I have to do. On other days, I look at mistakes made either by me or by a relative or I imagine the worse case scenario of not doing what I have to do at the right time.

And the one that really gets to me is my future. I have lived a life of peace, wealth (not the bastard kind of money sha, lol) , comfort with my family/friends and love in my head countless times. It's just so perfect that when I think of giving up, I jerk off my chair and get to work.
