Remembering when I spent my birthday with Picasso🎨 || Recordando cuando pasé mi cumpleaños con Picasso🎨 [ENG/ESP]
Hey Hivers!🖼️
Does it sound strange that my idea of spending my birthday visiting art museums?🤔 When I found out that there were several museums in Caracas, I got really excited, since I had never visited one before, because here in Barquisimeto there is only one and it's more closed than open. I was very excited to see the works of other people who are as passionate about art as I am, so I convinced my family to make some slight adjustments in our vacation in order to have a new experience.
¿Suena raro que mi idea de pasar mi cumpleaños sea visitando museos de arte?🤔 Cuando me enteré de que en Caracas había varios museos, me emocione bastante, ya que jamás había visitado alguno, porque aquí en Barquisimeto solo hay uno y se la pasa más cerrado que abierto. Me hacía mucha ilusión ver las obras de otras personas que le apasionan el arte como a mí, así que convencí a mi familia para hacer unos ligeros ajustes en nuestras vacaciones para poder tener una experiencia nueva.
In the sunshine and testing our reflexes to dodge some motorized cars on the sidewalk, we were able to walk to the first museum that would be:
Con sol y probando nuestros reflejos para esquivar unos motorizados por la acera, pudimos llegar caminando al primer museo que sería:
When I entered for the first time, we were greeted by a guide who took us to a room full of sculptures and all of them were of the female body in different forms as an expression of art, I was fascinated both by how they were developed and also the level of detail they had. By this point I was already with the excitement to the top because I was really happy to fulfill this dream, I wanted to go through every corner and observe all the pieces of art that were offered✨.
Cuando entré por primera vez, nos recibió un guía donde nos llevó a una sala llena de esculturas y todas eran del cuerpo femenino en diferentes formas como una expresión de arte, quedé fascinada tanto por como estaban desarrolladas y también el nivel de detalle que tenían. Para este punto yo ya estaba con la emoción al tope porque de verdad estaba muy feliz por cumplir este sueño, quería recorrer cada rincón y observar todas las piezas de arte que ofrecían✨.
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But when the guide told us that they had a collection of Pablo Picasso's works where some of them were originals... It was the straw that broke the camel's back of my excitement and I swear, I was already making eyes at the guy so that we could go to that section of the museum quickly and see them with my own eyes🌟.
Pero cuando el guía nos dijo que tenían una colección de obras de Pablo Picasso donde algunas eran originales… Fue la gota que colmó el vaso de mi emoción y se los juro, yo ya le estaba haciendo ojitos al chico para que ya pasáramos a esa sección del museo rápido y poder verlas con mis propios ojos🌟.
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No doubt he has a unique style! I won't lie when I say that in some paintings I didn't understand what was the body and what was the face😅, but there were others that undoubtedly attracted me like a bee to nectar and I stayed for a while observing his strokes and what the artist wanted to transmit with that... Although some of them, I could see that he just did it without any apparent reason.
¡Sin dudas que tiene un estilo único! No mentiré al decir que en algunas pinturas no entendí que cosa era el cuerpo y que era la cara😅, pero hubo otras que sin dudas me atrajeron como abeja al néctar y me quede un rato observando sus trazos y qué cosa quería trasmitir el artista con eso… Aunque algunas se notaba que solo lo hizo sin ninguna razón aparente
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We walked for a while longer and came across many sculptures of different types, there were works full of color, some defied perspective, and I even entered one of them! Yes, as you read, it was a kind of labyrinth with narrow corridors and a mini room with a crack in the whole wall, I took it as a symbolism that our reality is very fragile and that at any given moment without realizing it can be corrupted, no matter how clean or “White” it is 🧐 What do you think?
Caminamos por un rato más y nos encontramos con muchas esculturas de diferentes tipos, había obras llenas de color, algunas desafiaban la perspectiva, e incluso, ¡Entré en una de ellas! Sí, como lees, era una especie de laberinto con estrechos pasillos y una mini sala con una fisura en toda la pared, yo lo tomé como un simbolismo de que nuestra realidad es muy frágil y que en cualquier momento sin darnos cuenta puede corromperse, sin importar lo limpia o “blanca” que sea ¿Tú qué piensas?🧐
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Yes... I didn't quite understand what they were, but they were in the same room, and they gave me goose bumps when I saw them.
Sí… exactamente no entendí bien que eran, pero estaban en la misma sala y me pusieron la piel de gallina cuando las vi
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Here I can't say much, since the museum's structure is “beautiful”, but the “art” was kind of lost. We toured the whole place and only 3 rooms stood out: One full of old and varied photos of Caracas, I remember a room with a giant work made by wires and,** my favorite**, a room full of designs:
Museo de Bellas Artes Aquí no puedo decir mucho, ya que “bellas” las estructura del museo; pero como que el “arte” se perdió. Recorrimos todo el lugar y solo destacaron 3 salas: Una llena de fotos viejas y variadas de Caracas, recuerdo una habitación con una obra gigante hecha por alambres y, mi favorita, una sala llena de diseños:
At that time I started to study the career that I love so much nowadays and that is graphic design, so you can imagine how I felt when I entered a room with the walls full of many posters and designs... That's how the sky looked like to me💙.
I loved every second I spent there, and it helped me to visualize myself designing stuff like that, I still remember it and I feel the excitement running through my whole body like that day as I write this. I already want to go back!
En ese tiempo inicié a estudiar la carrera que tanto amo actualmente y es el diseño gráfico, así que se podrán imaginar como me sentí cuando entré a una habitación con las paredes llenas de muchos pósteres y diseños… Así se veía el cielo para mí💙.
Amé cada segundo que pasé allí y me ayudó a visualizarme a mí misma diseñando cosas de ese tipo, aún lo recuerdo y siento la emoción recorrerme todo el cuerpo como en ese día mientras escribo esto. ¡Ya quiero volver!
And to finish, near the museum of fine “arts”; there is a very nice park to walk and hang out. We came across a mini bus turned into a store where they sold empanadas, shakes, coffee and “Water of love”.... Normal stuff.
Seriously, if you plan to go I highly recommend the tea “Water of love” I drank it cold, and it's too tasty, although unfortunately it doesn't guarantee you will conquer that person😔.
Y para terminar, cerca del museo de bellas “artes”; hay un parque muy bonito para caminar y pasar el rato. Nos encontramos con un mini autobús convertido en tienda en donde vendían empanadas, batidos, café y “Agua de Amor”... Cosas normales.
En serio, si piensan ir les recomiendo mucho el té “Agua de amor” Yo lo tomé frío y es demasiado sabroso, aunque por desgracia no te garantiza que conquistes a esa persona😔
Espero que les gustara mucho este recuerdo que para mí, es muy preciado💖 ¡Nos vemos pronto! Y aquí los dejo con estas frases de Picasso que fueron mis favoritas:
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This area of Caracas seems to be the most normal in the world, but for those of us who come from other states we always find it very pleasant. I have been living in Caracas for eleven years and the area of the museums and Los Caobos still seems like a dream... Thank you very much for sharing these memories in #tbt Thursdays, it is an excellent post, and no, it is not strange that you wanted to do this on your birthday, these are days to spoil ourselves and visiting museums sounds like a good plan... Happy day, hugs to you!!! 🙏
I agree with you✨ Most of my family is in Caracas and that's why it's one of the places I visit most on vacation. I never get tired of going because it's so different from how life is here in Barquisimeto. Besides, you can't walk up the Avila just anywhere🤭🤭.
Thanks so much for reading! And I hope to keep sharing my memories and anecdotes here. Happy day to you too💖.
It's great that you spent your birthday at the museum of contemporary art in caracas. I want to go, although I always don't have time when I go to the city. The idea is to be able to live the experience. Each type of art has its own message and identity. The most impressive thing is its own form and what the author wanted to transmit. In some cases it is very difficult to define it.
I recommend you to go without doubts✨ It is a perfect plan to spend a quiet afternoon since it does not take you much time to go through the museum. For me it was something unique, it left me wanting to keep coming back and get lost for a while in those corridors to learn more about the perspective of each artist💖.
It's definitely something I'm going to do; although Caracas is not the city of my dreams, it does have a fairly nice architecture and a history of its own. The museum is a must for sure.
I'm glad it gave you more encouragement to visit these beautiful museums💖 I certainly recommend them highly. Something I like about Caracas is its balance between architecture and natural spaces like the "Avila" and the "Parque de Los Chorros" Other places worth visiting.
It looks like you had quite an enjoyable birthday visiting the museums. I can't remember when last I visited a museum. Funny, my birthday is in two weeks and I have no idea of how to celebrate mine.
Undoubtedly✨ I admit that the fact that I could be accompanied by my family also gave it a plus, it made it more fun than it was🤭.
When it's my birthday I simply opt for something simple, an outing to eat or visit a place.... Although, I tell you that the improvised plans are the best😉.
Thanks for reading!🩵
This is a weirdly beautiful thing that you cherished your birthday by visiting Museum. You have an artistic soul residing inside you, and that's why you were excited to see these artworks.
You're right, since I was a child I was always attracted to everything that had to do with paints and making crafts, something that still continues to this day😊.