AI Podcasts for Privacy Policies


Interesting? Yes! But I do have my misgivings about trusting a machine to interpret something as intricate as a privacy policy.


It is one thing for AI to summarize, but giving it the power to make that summary a voice and narration-like Google's NotebookLM gives me pause. I mean, are we comfortable with a program reading the fine print of policies for us? Those words signify layers of legal jargon to cover the companies' "behind", not exactly that of the users.

Are we comfortable having an AI skip over potentially key details?

I tried to imagine what might be lost in this "deep dive" podcast. Of course, a 99-page privacy policy is a nightmare to read, but I'd rather skim it myself than take an AI host's word for it in neatly packaged condensed form. We know AI can simplify and that's super helpful on many instances, but simplifying legal documents is dicey and dangerous.

More disturbing, it's being delivered as a podcast with "soothing banter." It is no longer just summarizing; it's persuasion, whether we like it or not.

And in a time when mass data is nothing but misused, it is not for AI to decide what percentage of these documents matter to us. That's our job, even if that means we would have to comb through mundane policies ourselves.

Because who can guarantee AI is on our side?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
