Worlds Apart



“Babe, I still insist you talk to Frank about this. I mean, if you will be married into the family, I don't think you should have any reservations.” Omoye advised Betty.

“Ok…. I should tell Frank that I find his mom creepy because she prays a lot?” Betty fired at Omoye without giving any due consideration to all what she has just said to her.

“You are just being extra, there should be better ways you can talk to him about it.” Omoye responded calmly.

“No, girl, I don't even think I'd still want to go through with the marriage thing because women like Frank's mom will make the marriage unbearable with her superstitious beliefs.”

Omoye's eyes were widened at Betty's utterances. Thus, she interrogated quickly. “So what? You're just going to call it quits?”

“Grrr…. I don't know, girl! Betty growled as she buried herself in her duvet.”

The day was far spent and Omoye knew if she keeps at it with Betty, she just might be getting queried at the office for coming to work late.

She said her good nights and as she exited to her room, she urged Betty to think critically, all that had been discussed.

The friendship between both girls started in Kindergarten. They aren't twins, neither are they sisters, but both girls since childhood have not left each other's side as they practically find themselves operating on the same borderline with life.

The next day, Frank went to Betty's place of work to check up on her.

“Hello Suzy, is your Madam in?” Frank inquired from Suzy, who had been instructed by Betty not to let him in.

“No sir, she stepped out a few minutes ago”

“She stepped out without her car?” Frank inquired with a smirk on his face.

“Yes sir,” Suzy lied as she avoided eye contact with Frank.

If there's one thing Frank hated in his relationship with Betty is to hint at a third party that all was not well between them, so he just played along.

“When your Madam comes in, tell her to call me.”

“Ok, sir,” Betty responded hastily as she excused herself to tend to a client's needs.

As Frank walked out of Betty's Pastry house, he couldn't help but wonder what's going on and why the sudden change with Betty. He had tried reaching her on her phone, but it kept saying number busy.

Now, her Secretary Suzy won't even let him see her.

Frank knew all was not well, but he just could not place where it all went wrong, and Betty wasn't making things easy, shutting him out.

He went to his car, sat for a while and pondered on his next line of action, when he was done, he drove straight to Betty's house to wait for her.

At Betty's home, during the close of work, Frank met with Omoye and started questioning her as Betty was running late to come home.

“Easy Frank, what are you interrogating me for? No offense, but if you got scores to settle, I suggest you do it with the appropriate person.” Omoye schooled Frank as she excused herself to her room.

After waiting for Betty for what seemed like forever, she finally showed up.

“Can we talk?” Frank requested politely, tapping on the chair he was sitting on and urging Betty to come sit close to him.

Betty drew in a deep breath as she approved Frank's request with a nod. She got a seat opposite Frank and they started talking.

“What's going on, Betty? Are you calling off our engagement?”

“I don't know, Frank, it's just….”

“It's just what Betty? What's wrong? I think I deserve to know.”

“Well, it's your mom, I can't deal with her being overly religious.”

“Wow!” Frank's eyes shun.

He continued, “Overly religious? But religion wasn't even a topic when you visited”.

“How do I explain this to you”…. Betty blew out some air, then continued, “I have no problem with your mom, but then when I saw her dedicate most of her time to praying, and then she picked on me for not being like her, saying her son cannot marry a woman who doesn't know how to pray, that was it for me Frank.”

She concluded, looked Frank dead in the eye and said to him.... "that was the moment that changed everything”.

“And you didn't feel the need to talk about your concerns with me? Wow!” Frank was stunned as he couldn't believe his ears.

He took a long look at Betty who was toying with her fingers with her head bowed. Betty knew she hurt him, but the words needed to get out, and she expected Frank to take a decision, hoping it will be favorable to her. She wasn't ready for what followed.

“Have you ever had a chance to save someone, but you played with it, and it cost a life?” Frank questioned Betty, who had no answer but confusion written all over her face.

He continued, “before my grandmother died, my mom would always dream about it, she did nothing until my grandmother died and that broke her. From that moment on, she dictated her life to God, always praying for our well-being as well as hers and if you will hold that against her, then Betty the wedding is off."

After making his stance known, Frank stormed out of Betty's house and drove off. As Betty broke down in tears, Omoye having eaves dropping the whole time, came out to console her.

She wrapped her arms around Betty and said to her, “cry all you want, heal…. Be sure of what you really want, if it's Frank, then be ready to compromise and go get your man”.


Betty probably took things a bit far and didn't take the appropriate actions, but I can equally understand her concerns about living up to the expectations of her fiance's mom.


Could be scary, the thought of not meeting up to one's expectations. But then again, I also think she overreaxted.


The thing Betty wwould have dine from the start was talk to her fiance about her concerns. You don't make comclusions as that when the sctual person you're involved with hasn't said anything that aligns with the thing that you're uncomfortable with. Maybe they get to settle eventually.

This was an absolutely awesome read. Beautifully written


It all boils down to communication. If you don't communicate, you wouldn't expect the next person to know what's bothering you. Betty went too far with her actions before spilling the tea.

There is definitely a reason to why people do what they do, she wasn't excluded.

I just hope she makes the right decision on what she wants before it is too late.


I hope so too... Hopefully her actions won't cost her.


Things could have turned out better if Betty voiced out her frustrations immediately instead of escalating them further. Well, I think Frank still loves her—only that he was obviously hurt. If she wanted him back, she should really try to understand her future mother-in-law this time. Thanks for sharing, @bipolar95! It was an entertaining read.

Good day!


Love can shorten distances and iron out differences, but you should always make things clear, especially if there is a desire to get married. Greetings


Yes, you are spot on.... Thank you for reading me 🙂


Hmm. Betty didn't act well though. She could have discussed this with Frank just as Omoye told her. Just because her to-be mother-in-law is overly religious doesn't mean she can't find a way to compromise with him if she loves him. I don't think she truly loved him from the beginning because love conquers all even though when one has tried and nothing is working well, then, it means both aren't destined to be together.


Hmmmm! It's a bit scary dealing with such mother in-laws but Betty would have at least given a second thought. To me, that isn't enough reason to break up and moreover, she would have communicated with her partner in a proper way before time.


Betty's fear got the best of her. This is why the importance of communication in relationships cannot be over emphasized.


I understand Betty's frustration, you know what happens when you don't meet up to intended mother's inlaw expectation, but I think she took her actions a bit far, which may cost her the love of her life in the end.



Marrying into a family where the mother in-law expects so much can be scary but then communication would have fixed the doubts.
