A need to focus on Agriculture


I got frustrated yesterday at the market by the price of foodstuffs. As of last three months, a rubber of beans was sold for 3500 naira, last month it was sold for 5700 naira and yesterday I was told that same rubber of beans is now sold for 7500.

While growing up, food was never a problem for I and my family because we farmed almost everything we ate. The joy of getting fresh foods from the farm is compared to none.


Everything changed when technology was introduced. The younger generation sees farming as something meant for the poor. No one is interested in agriculture anymore everyone wants to be either a tech guru or an influencer. Farming is now left for the aged to handle.

I did a quick survey and I discovered that most of the people into agriculture currently in my country are of age ranging from 45 and above. In fact most farmers now are either in their 60's or 70's only a few in between age 20-35. I just realized that when I and my friends gets to talk about possible investment plans and business ideas, no one ever mentions venturing into agriculture or investing in it.

The wrong mindset we have towards agriculture is the main reason why we are were we are today.

If you are to ask 50 children today what they would love to be in future, I doubt if 3% of them would love to be farmers. The reason why this is so is because of the wrong orientation most people have towards farming. It is believed that farmers are amongst the poorest people in the world. This believe is not so far from the truth because most farmers struggle to make a living. They don't have comfortable homes and their children don't get to attend the best schools. Life is never easy for them.

These farmers work so hard to send their children to school so they don't end up being like them (their parents). This trend goes on for generations and slowly, people are losing interested in agriculture.

To be able to improve the situation at hand, people need to be taught again the importance of agriculture and the beauty of it. When people see results in what they do, they would want to do better.

Thank God for the introduction of different methods of growing crops. I know of states in my country that can't grow plants because of the high level of crude oil in the soil. Infact plants don't grow in that region and as a result of that, they hardly get fresh foods. For you to get a fresh food in such region, you will travel miles and when you finally find one, the price will be too high.

With the introduction of Hydroponics Method of planting (The process of growing plants with nutrient- rich water instead of soil) and Aeroponics Method of planting (The process of growing plants using via midst or air), It is now possible to grow plants despite the climate condition and soil concerns.

If these system of farming can be welcomed by individuals and organization, it will go a long way in solving the issue of food scarcity and lack of fresh foods.

In my country to be precise, the issue of insecurity have made a lot of farmers go into hiding. Families were killed in the farm by fulani herdsmen and nothing was done by the government about it. Most farmers are scared of going to farm and getting killed. I think this has also be a major reason why food is this expensive.

The government needs to ensure that people are safe doing what they love to do.

There is famine in different regions across the world. We really need to be intentional about agriculture. Start by planting a garden today. With time we will get past the season we are in.

Thanks for stopping by. It's planting season again remember to have a garden in your home at all cost.

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13.508 NEOXAG


We all thought that farming was for poor people so none of us never liked. We need to wake up either than that we will end up eating manufactured foods.
Thanks for the great insight

0.000 NEOXAG

We really need to wake up.

Thanks for stopping by

0.000 NEOXAG

You are right, no child would want to be a farmer and it is all about the orientation gotten, meanwhile, it's never so, they're rich farmers and farming isn't bad at all, if tools are made afforable for farmers and life would be easy for them and even their children's too, would be attending best schools then the ideology that farming isn't a good work would be gradually erase.

0.000 NEOXAG

So true. The right knowledge needs to be passed down.

Thanks for stopping by

0.000 NEOXAG

It's unfortunate that the young ones don't consider going into farming these days. It's evident in the prices of foodstuffs. Something has to be done about agriculture.

0.000 NEOXAG

Something really needs to be done. Thanks for stopping by

0.000 NEOXAG