Redoing the Gravelling

Going into winter a few months ago, I had done a halfway decent job on gravelling around our carport with some river gravel. Of course, that was then... and now that spring is just around the corner... it has become quite apparent that I should have laid down a weed mat or cardboard to help suppress the growth of weeds and grass through the relatively thinnish layer of gravel.
Sigh... I don't really fancy taking it all up and redoing it... but I also don't fancy pulling out weeds and grass all summer either! GRRRRR... so, redoing it the way to go.

It would have to be weed-matting as cardboard with small rocks on top would likely be a bit slippery!
But first, I needed to find out where I had put the leftover weed-matting from when I did the back enclosed area. And I swear that I searched everywhere in the car port... and I even got brave enough to eventually ask my wife. To which she said, did you look on the shelf?
And so, I went back out several times and looked on the bloody shelves... and NOTHING! She then came out and there it was... IN FRONT OF THE SHELVES! I swear I have been set up...

So, instead of doing the whole batch in one go... and moving lots and lots of rocks... I was going to just scrape up little sections and then lay down the weed-matting and then put the rocks back in a slightly thicker layer and then keep repeating until the lot was done.

... and of course, I ran out of weed-matting after the first tranche... but it was just enough to reach the first little bush.

After having a bit of a long think about how to accommodate the shrubby tree... I ended up just tearing a line down the middle to go around the stem. Not elegant... but it will be under lots of rocks!

And just a little bit of cardboard to fill up the little bits where the weed-matting ran out. So, off to Amazon to order more weed-matting... and we have a LOT of cardboard as well... pity the rain is coming in... I might have to finish this job next week.
... but it started at least! It won't be as tedious as I thought it would be... just will take some time though.
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I don't know if you can get a hold of it there, but there is some stuff called Preen that tons of people swear by. It doesn't kill weeds, but if you put it down before they show up it prevents them I guess. I've never used it myself.
Thanks, I'll look that up. Anything to get an advantage on the weeds in such a large garden!
It is a very worthwhile job, it can be long or tedious, but then the result will make you proud 🙏
Yes, it will be very satisfying when it is done!