Artisan kiosks and their environmental message (Eng - Esp)




I recently visited the center of the city, I was about to run some errands like buying threads, biases and fabrics with the idea of taking advantage of my son's school vacation period to finish some projects and advance others like the pencil cases and backpacks that he will use next school year; On the recommendation of a friend I went to a store located near the Guaiquerí park, which has a wide variety of products at affordable prices, the weather seemed to be mild but after nine in the morning the sun's rays intensified, the temperature rose and the heat was suffocating, I tried to continue with my routine but it was impossible so I decided to go to the park and sit under the trees as I have done on other occasions.

My favorite place is a very big tree that is located near the river, the breeze is fresh and the landscape is lovely, you can see the birds going from one tree to another, the little fish swimming at high speed and listen to the relaxing sound of the water, definitely the perfect place to rest and refresh, for more than two hours I was in the park and I really enjoyed the stay, while resting I observed a wooden house that I found very nice and attractive, it also looks clean and in very good condition.


En una reciente visita al centro de la ciudad, me disponía a realizar varias diligencias como comprar hilos, sesgos y telas con la idea de aprovechar el período de vacaciones escolares de mi hijo para terminar algunos proyectos y adelantar otros como las cartucheras y morrales que usará el próximo año escolar; por recomendación de una amiga fui a una tienda que se ubica cerca del parque Guaiquerí, la cual tiene una gran variedad de productos a precios accesibles, el clima parecía ser benigno pero pasadas las nueve de la mañana los rayos del sol se intensificaron, la temperatura se elevó y el calor era sofocante, intenté seguir con mi rutina pero fue imposible así que decidí ir al parque y sentarme debajo de los árboles como lo he hecho en otras ocasiones.

Mi lugar favorito es un árbol muy grande que se ubica cerca del río, la brisa es fresca y el paisaje encantador, puedes ver las aves ir de un árbol a otro, los pequeños peces nadando a gran velocidad y escuchar el sonido relajante del agua, definitivamente el lugar perfecto para descansar y refrescarse, por más de dos horas estuve en el parque y realmente disfruté la estadía, mientras descansaba observé una casa de madera que me pareció muy linda y atractiva, además luce limpia y en muy buen estado.

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The house is made of wood and it is the first time I see it open; I was surprised and as quickly as I could I went to talk to the man in charge of maintenance and cleaning of the park, who explained that the park has two handicraft kiosks, which can be rented by users, for which they must go to the administration office and request the appropriate permits, they can sell handicrafts and typical products of the region; Generally, when fairs are held, the kiosks exhibit a wide variety of handicrafts made of wood, clay palm and paintings that show the beautiful landscapes of the city and serve as souvenirs for tourists and residents.

The kiosks are square, have two large windows on the front, the door is located on the right side and is shaped like a rectangle, the roof is made up of several wooden beams and is covered by a blanket of canvas that protects it from the water; The location of the kiosks among the trees of the park reminds me of childhood stories and the little houses in the forest where children played and protected themselves from the ferocious bear that used to appear when their siesta was interrupted by the children running and playing along the forest in the thick vegetation.

La casa es de madera y es la primera vez que la veo abierta; me sorprendió y lo más rápido que pude me acerqué a conversar con el señor encargado del mantenimiento y limpieza del parque, quien me explicó que el parque cuenta con dos kioskos artesanales, los cuales pueden ser alquilados por los usuarios, para lo cual deben dirigirse a la oficina de administración y solicitar los permisos correspondientes, en ellos se pueden vender artesanías y productos típicos de la región; generalmente cuando se realizan ferias los kioskos exhiben una amplia variedad de trabajos manuales elaborados con madera, palma arcilla y pinturas que muestran los hermosos paisajes de la ciudad y sirven de recuerdo a los turistas y residentes.

Los kioskos son cuadrados, en la parte frontal tienen dos ventanas amplias, la puerta se ubica del lado derecho y tiene forma de rectángulo, el techo lo conforman varias vigas de madera y está cubierto por un manto de lona que lo protege del agua; la ubicación de los kioskos entre los árboles del parque, me recuerdan los cuentos de la infancia y las casitas del bosque donde los niños jugaban y se protegían del oso feroz que solía aparecer cuando su siesta era interrumpida por los niños que corrían y jugaban a lo largo de bosque en la espesa vegetación.



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Around the kiosks, there are small plants protected by wooden fences to prevent visitors from stepping on them as they move through the grounds, and park workers alert visitors to be aware of them as they walk and not to step on them; What I liked most about these kiosks besides its charming design was a mural on the back that shows with a nice image the importance of trees and their care, it shows a large tree with leafy branches, several insects around, a nice garden with beautiful flowers and several phrases that explain in short lines the importance of these friends to maintain the balance in nature, to eat their fruits, enjoy the shade and not least are home to many animals, besides purifying the oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

More than a mural or decoration of the kiosk is a call to take care of the plants and reduce the felling of these friendly living beings that contribute so much to the welfare of man on earth.

En los alredores de los kioskos, se encuentran pequeñas plantas protegidas por cercas de madera para evitar que los visitantes las pisen mientras se desplazan por el terrreno, además los trabajadores del parque alertan a los visitantes para que esten atentos a ellas mientras caminan y no las pisen; lo que más me gustó de estos kioskos además de su encantador diseño fue un mural en la parte trasera que muestra con una linda imagen la importancia de los árboles y su cuidado, en ella se observa un gran árbol de frondosas ramas, varios insectos alrededor, un lindo jardín con bellas flores y varias frases que explican en cortas líneas la importancia de estos amigos para mantener el equilibrio en la naturaleza, poder comer sus frutos, disfrutar la sombra y no menos importante constituyen el hogar de numerosos animales, además de purificar el oxigeno mediante el proceso de fotosíntesis.

Más que un mural o adorno del kiosko es un llamado a cuidar las plantas y reducir la tala de estos amigables seres vivos que tanto aportan al bienestar del hombre en la tierra.

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I love this kind of parks and that wooden kiosk is very nice, they are not so common, the mural conveys a great message.


Greetings @doriangel, the kiosks are beautiful and very similar to the little houses in the forest of children's stories; I love the mural besides being cute it conveys a great message that invites to take care and protect the trees.

Happy weekend!


Hopefully it will open as soon as possible so they can immediately sell handicrafts @belkyscabrera


Hi @maytom, I also hope to see the craft sale soon, I'm sure you'll have beautiful crafts at affordable prices.

Happy weekend!


How mini the kiosk is, I'm curious about what's inside. So pretty


Hi @titisnariyah, the kiosk has a nice design, they regularly stay closed, it's the first time I've seen one open, I think they were cleaning it; I hope they hold a fair soon so we can see the beautiful crafts.



Wao I loved this park and its kiosks, great place to relax!💐🤗

Wao me encantó este parque y sus kioskos, excelente lugar oara relajarse!💐🤗


Greetings @mayramalu, the park has beautiful spaces to relax and enjoy the contact with nature, the kiosks have a nice design and a great message that invites us to take care of the trees.

Have a great day


Congratulations dear @belkyscabrera! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 83. More power!


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Hi @aplusd, thanks so much for the mention, happy to be part of this great selection of posts .

Greetings and blessings!


We are always privileged to have you here dear @belkyscabrera. Continue sharing amazing A+D stories. Blessings! 😀


Hello @belkyscabrera. Despite being a simple structure, it still speaks volumes about your cultural heritage, exhibiting the artistic prowess of your people - something to be proud of. Great find! 😊


Hello @storiesoferne, I liked the kiosk for its simple and charming design, I had seen it before but had not detailed the mural and the distribution of the interior space; It is true, it is similar to the country houses made of wood by our ancestors, in many rural areas you can still see this type of housing, they are fresh and well made.

Have a great day!
