
picture from pexel(

This post a basically a journey through what most of us think about football. Personally i don't consider myself a fan of football, in fact i can't imagine leaving my house to go watch football on a pitch or even a view center. It might be shocking to believe but i grew up that way and i have honest tried to change but maybe i just lack the motivation to be a fan.

I decided to do something new by asking other peoples opinion concerning how they feel about football and especially the resumption of the long awaited football season that just started some days back and i would love to share that here with you all.

picture from pexel(

Okay i started from my close friend Marvellous who is an Arsenal fan, he indulged me with so much enthusiasm when he told me how happy he was with the recent transfers made on his team and excited that they might once again have a shot a winning the premier league title this season. He wasn't happy that one of the best players of England (Harry Kane) would be leaving for germany. He said "football gives me so much joy and comfort, whenever i sit to watch a game, nothing else matters at that time, i feel at peace like a baby sucking the breast of his mother for the first time". it was a bit hilarious but i found his review quite satisfying.

I didn't want my review to be just one sided so i included a lady on my research, so i still choose someone close to me, my girlfriend Comfort and she said "basically i don't find football interesting, i feel it is a repetition, just passing of the ball and constant interruption of foul play by the referee and i also thinks the over hype actually adds to the the downplay of other sports i find quite interesting that's why it is one of the most watched and has the highest fan rate worldwide, also i feel liking football should be according to my personal preference so i am just going to stick with not being a fan of football". That was a complete twist but i'm sure allot of people out there agree with that.

I think after the reviews i was able to get more light in my research, football isn't just a sport, it is a lifestyle for some, a place to find peace for another, a place to be free for many, it's so many things but it's never just a game.

picture from pexel(

I would like to hear how you feel about football in the comment section. Please feel free to correct me where i missed a step and don't forget to leave a comment on how you feel about football. Thank you for reading.

0.000 NEOXAG