Like a lotus flower.


Hello hive lovers and bloggers, greetings!


August had been a terrible month for me. I fell sick while the semester exams were on going. I had to struggle to write my exams or I get an 'F' which would mean disaster.

Today was no different, I had gone to school to write my last paper.My mood was down because I knew I did not give in my all as the prescribed medications took their toll on me and I could barely focus.

I walked in to find my grandma cooking in the kitchen....
"Good evening, Nana" I greeted half heartedly.

"Good evening Bee" she replied (only grandma call me that, haha)

She glancd at me and knew something was amiss. Grandma left her cooking and walked to the sitting to give me a big cheery hug. I was comforted for a bit but few minutes later the water works emerged from my eyes.

Oh come on dear, what seems to be the matter? grandma asked.

"I'm afraid I'm not going to make good grades in this exams. I am scared of what the outcome will be when the results are out, I said.

Hmm, it's okay and everything is going to be just fine. She led me by the hand and took me to the couch. I laid down with my head on her laps. Then she asked...
"Bee, do you remember that time when a heavy storm destroyed my garden? Yes i do grandma.

Did that stop me from gardening again? She asked me.....No Nana it didn't.

Her hands were patting my back soothingly while she spoke and she said well dear that was not the first time a terrible storm had hit and destroyed my garden you know.

When you were still little, a terrible hurricane swept past on night and destroyed almost everything in it's path. By morning, we all were filled with shock at the disaster. Your grandpa was sad because his precious pumpkins were destroyed but we never gave up. We did the best we could and began planting again.

After a while we were rewarded. Our hard work paid off and our garden started to thrive.

So you see dear, hope should never be lost as long as you're willing to try, you will be rewarded.

The one point lesson I want you to get out of this story is this.....

Like a lotus flower, we too have the ability to rise from the mud,bloom out of the darkness and radiate into the world.

I believe you will do great dear,she said and kissed my temple.

Thanks for the encouragement Nana, I will remember this always, I said smiling.....all forms of worry long forgotten.

This is my response to the #weeklycreativegarden challenge weekly writing prompt.

It's my first time posting in this community.

Thanks for reading......Shalom

1.034 NEOXAG


This was beautifully written and a boost of confidence and hope overcame me as I was reading. I definitely needed this reminder as I have been a bit sad about losing a lot of our produce we were growing. Thanks so much for sharing this and thanks @riverflows for leading me here to read it ~ 💚

0.004 NEOXAG

Aww, I am glad this post inspired hope in you again. Sorry about your lost produce, don't relent you will bloom again. Hugs dear

0.010 NEOXAG

Thank you dearly ~ ☺️🤗💓

0.000 NEOXAG

You are most welcome ma'am

0.000 NEOXAG

Oh, what a beautiful entry! It's a lovely parable that fits the prompt perfectly, and the garden related lesson just fits so well in the community. Gardens teach us so many life lessons - I'm sure many people here have rebuilt gardens after storms. @luckylaica and @nikolina come instantly to mind! Just wonderful.

Thankyou for your beautiful post.

Love, @riverflows.

The Creative Garden is a weekly challenge designed to inspire you to write on garden related topics. Check out the weekly publication in the Hive Garden community, published every weekend!

0.000 NEOXAG

Thanks for your wonderful comment @riverflows and @gardenhive team. I am glad for the warm reception. I will do my best in this community

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you for the mention, I really enjoyed reading this story and it is indeed a great life lesson! Witnessing how amazing and powerful nature can be, recovering after the storms is a great reminder that we can also overcome more than we think and that there is always light and hope at the end of the tunnel. :)

0.000 NEOXAG

Written beautifully with utmost perfection 😍

0.000 NEOXAG

Smiling face, thanks for your wonderful comment @abrarhussain . Hope you have been good?

0.000 NEOXAG

I'm fine 😊 how are you

0.000 NEOXAG

I am fine as well, thanks for asking it means a lot and I also appreciate your presence here.....cheers

0.000 NEOXAG

Beautiful writeup you have here.
Thanks to our amazing granny,they sure have their ways of bringing comfort to us with their words of wisdom.
Amazing writwup

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you for your compliments. Thanks to our amazing grannies out there as well who know how to inspire hope in us.

I appreciate your presence here

0.000 NEOXAG

You are most welcome 🤗

0.000 NEOXAG

Grandmas really feel what we feel even if we don't say a word.

0.000 NEOXAG

You are correct there, I guess it's their heightened sense of intuition.

Thanks for your contribution

0.000 NEOXAG