Who is doing this! Not your usual Scapegoats?






“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” 1990

― David Rockefeller

Anyway's, they say it, they do it and yet nobody even listens. It's incredible to be honest.

So why the agenda's? So why it's going on today.

Fine just go back to blaming your regular scapegoats. Doens't matter if the bad guy's even admit it.

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It is because normal people cannot contemplate the world of the narcissist / psychopath /sociopath.

You have empathy, i have empathy.
We would never except a view from someone who said, we will kill any in our way, we will move forward with destructive measures even if it costs us our lives. "Our aim is to destroy the world, to bring about hell on earth" is what they say and do. But can you accept that?

On many other planets narcissists aren't allowed to exist.
They are terminated or they have their mind/personality wiped.
A good, functioning planet cannot allow for the existence of people that want to destroy the planet.

So, when someone says, we are going to destroy this planet, do you believe them, or do you think they are just kidding?

Also, you do no know what destroy this planet means.
You can't just blow everything up with nukes... doesn't work
You first have to make everyone believe that nukes exist, and then believe that they would be used, and that a country would want to destroy itself to destroy the world.
Basically, you have to get all the people to psychologically commit suicide

(like, have you looked into how many people weren't at the twin towers that day? Like, record low visitors)

So, we have to accept that there is evil.
And that these psychopaths and sociopaths intend to do evil.
Then we have to learn what evil looks like, and put a stop to it.

An example "No Child Left Behind"
Sounds good, but it was a most evil govern-cement school policy.


don't think they want to destroy the world, just the world that might challenge them. They love their power and 'things' too much. Whatever they destroy, they will be in the inhabitable place.


Sorry, not sorry, the WANT to destroy the world.

Here is an example.

They would set of a nuke
and they would tell you about it just before it happens, just to see the look on your face at what they did.
(of course, they would stand behind a pillar, thinking that would save them)

The definition of evil is world destruction.
If you go that direction, there is only self destruction.
Of course they think that they can get around the laws of the universe.
Get other people to do their dirty work, so that those other get their karma...


I think they want survival first and foremost.. maybe even to live forever. But we can agree to disagree it matters not. Evil they are.


The writing is on the wall yet we choose to sleep with our eyes open. It's just so saddening, the usual suspects are mistaken for the unusual suspects.


So why the agenda's? So why it's going on today.

Long years ago I was thinking about that. alert!!! conspiracy (theory) is coming!!!

i was reading about the so called Tartaria, and the worldwide destroyed cities in the end of 19th century, early 20th (like San Fransisco, Chicago, Buffalo for example in the US - but plenty more), hidden mostly behind world fairs. it was shocking, especially there are plenty photos about the old cities. (the same good or bad guys done that, too.) that's lead me further, so watched, listened plenty more or less related stuff.

reached the ones whose discuss old maps, and the 'extra' lands, continents what some of those maps show. like hyperborea, the 4th islands etc.

i knew about the Antarctic Threaty for long time. (not suspicious at all they managed to sign it in the middle of the cold war... :) )

and nowadays, they dont protect borders, at all, but they protect arctic, antarctic circle, like hell. Nobody allowed to go there, beyond that, where is nothing, and 100% sure death is waiting for whoever tries it, because of weather conditions, but they still arrest or even shoot down if must, whoever tries... well, not suspicious at all... (if you are interested in it, maybe you will find it interesting how much money they spend every year for airports, military bases in the middle of nowhere, where is really nothing, without real function and with huge traffic. what can be useful only for a last stop before going further north (or south), like this one: Thule Airbase good name!! they dont hide it. there are similar bases like this in europe, russia. Aus, nz, sa have special marine and air forces only for protecting the ice... :) :) :)

personally, i think the answer is there, how these rockefeller kinda psychopaths' owners are probably there, as if they would be really the top, really in charge, we wouldnt know about them..

so my short answer: it's a prison, the agenda runners ('leaders') are the cheap, spineless prison guards... so obviously they need the agenda forever.

if you are enough open minded, this one you'll find interesting, others from the 'club' talk about it all the time, too:
Trudeau visited North Pole at age 3 and 6

would you take a 3 or 6 years old child (especially your own kid) to the North Pole if it is really so cold and dangerous?? even if you would, why??? perhaps, because the real party is there...


It's interesting. You see it in the subscription models already. Businesses have realised they can have your money forever if they can convince you to subscribe rather than buy.
