LMAC Free-Style: Up, Up, And Up
Hi, Creative Community!
Creating collages is a delightful activity for me, especially when I can blend various styles and techniques. This time, my intention was not to confine myself to a single style but to seamlessly integrate the lessons I've acquired into my collage. Through the harmonious fusion of diverse hues, I am delighted to present my latest creation to you.
From LMAC Image Library, Pixabay, and Unsplash
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Is there any significance to the fact that the only 'hooked' fish is the man's head? And, where do you see yourself in this?
All those hooks. All those dead fish. A little bit intimidating, and yet the figure at the center seems peaceful.
Interesting piece, @bayuismail
Hi @agmoore, Thanks for stopping by.
In the process of making this collage, I paid close attention to Van Gogh's famous painting 'Starry Night', which is characterized by the dominance of yellow, blue and black. Before creating the collage, I reflected on the meaning and elements that could be drawn from the work.
My collage this time reflects the dynamics of life and its consequences on individuals as the main attraction.
The chessboard background in this collage suggests the need for a well-thought-out strategy to succeed in the game, as well as the complexity of life. We have to think it through (although I am not familiar with the rules of the chess game).
When asked about the hook, detailing the fish that has different colors and carries a hook in its mouth, it symbolizes the readiness to face all the consequences of one's actions whether it has a positive or negative impact.
However, although situations often demand a panicked reaction, I emphasized the importance of remaining calm and peaceful in the midst of such panic, depicting it as the main focus placed at the center of the collage.
I believe the fishes you refer to as "dead" symbolize every step taken in life. Despite facing obstacles like hooks, in the end, we are expected to continue swimming upwards, even if one of those steps gets entangled by a hook.
Sorry for the long story, hehe :)
I like the 'long story' a lot. An artist invests not only in expressing an idea for himself, but also communicates with the observer. Thank you for communicating with me :)
Well, I'll try to tell a story as best I can for my next creation. Sometimes it doesn't come out well when I want it to.
It's rare that I get to tell it, thank you so much for helping me get it out 🙂