RE: No-one cares
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I did! and I enjoyed it. Just to clarify, I wasnt aiming that final sentence at you; 'stop mucking about...' etc. I was just feeling the fire and spitting some brimstone. I cant remember what set me off on such a tirade... must have been the wrong side of the bed :p
But I do think that a certain amount of ruthlessness can be helpful when tackling the self and all of its hindrances, limiting beliefs, fears and so on. I don't feel anyone should be expected to 'shape up' for what is essentially a very unhealthy society. best to 'shape down' and go in search of something authentic within yourself (maybe....just my experience....everyone has their own journey of course. I needed to be sliced in two by someones words to change my life around, so I guess I try to approach things with a similar energy - not always appropriate!)
This is very true :)