Do money truly answer all things ??


Money can simply be described as the commodity that is acceptable by everyone as a medium of exchange. It is a medium in which goods are been exchanged, bought, purchased with the currency. Money is commomly used almost everywhere round the globe, it could be in form of coin, paper currency etc.

What Is Your Thought And Perspective About This Statement,Do You Agree With This Statement.
This statement tends to be true because in life when it comes to do anything it seems to be that money is surely invloved. It is true that money answereth all things, let's take for an,

Health/ life: When a patient is been taken to hospital for emergency treatment (surgery or operation), doctors always require for deposit before proceeding and without that, the patient might loose his life in a few number of days depending on how serious it appears to be.

Food: And also there is no way you will go to market to buy something and get it free, money is surely invloved. Imagine when one steals because of lack of money to feed, he/she will be sent to jail or carry out jungle justice on them.

Mostly everything in life invloves money, though life can't be bought with money but can be saved with that money. Anyone that has no money in little is surely being belittled, overlooked and casted. Everyone wished to have money at least to feed and look good. Money is therefore everyone's friend, there's this kind of happiness it brings and some kind of peace of mind too...

Do You Think This Statement Is Overrated And Imbalanced?
Let's say its kind of being overrated because money literally dont answer all things, it can't bring back life nor protect life, i said this because there are some great men that have gone deep down the six feet ground, upon they had the money for treatment or to solve the arosen issue, yet there life wasn't spared. Nevertheless there are certain some certain issue we know money cant solve or bring solution to. Money answeres to an extent.

Do You Have Any Personal Experience Or From Someone You Know To Back Up Your Take On The Statement? Do Share With Us.
Its really sad to say because is a painful experience indeed, in this section, am opposing the topic. My yougest sister, ur last born got ill, was taken to different hospitals and prayer houses, every possible treatment was taken but still yet her life was in the line. Before we could know it, we have spent millions of naira, sold our lands and houses but still yet it wasnt getting any better.

At a point in time she started speaking like one who was seeing a vision, she kepts saying she will be going home soon. I and everyone around got scared and kept praying, it was during the time she was eating, after her injection that she gave up the ghost saying "she has gone home to meet her father" as she was saying this, she was waving goodbye!…. In summary, she was called back home, even our money couldnt save her life.

If You Were To Rephrase This Statement, What Would The New Statement Be?
To rephrase this statement, i will say "Money Answereth But, To A Limit" that is to say money cant solve every problem.

In Conclusion;
Believing that money is very important in our everyday or day-to-day life doesn't mean that it have answers to everything round the globe...

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