The Tv Show.


"I think I found it!" screamed Alicia to her colleague from work, Debbie.

"Found what?" Debbie replied absentmindedly while putting all her focus on the new Tv show on Netflix.

With a huge smile on her lips, Alicia replied, "I found the moment that changed everything." she said with a giggle.

"Okay..." Debbie replied, halfly still concentrating on the TV series they both should be watching.

"If anyone had told me just a year ago that I'll have the thoughts I have now and even act on them, I would have laughed out loud and given the person a hug for trying to read my life. I can't believe this!" Alicia screamed happily.


Letting out a deep sigh, Debbie paused the TV show and concentrated on Alicia.

"What are you yapping about this time around, uhn? You know this is super unfair! Today is supposed to be your day of housing me as we both enjoy the continuation of the TV show we saw at my place last Sunday. Remember? We made it a tradition just a year ago after we became more than work buddies but friends to watch a TV show..."

"Every Sunday since it is our off day. I remember that well, Madame Debbie. I know we both started at my place on the first Sunday, then your place and vice-versa. I remember it all, Miss." Alicia giggled, finishing up Debbie's statement.

Puffing out air from her mouth like a woman in labor, Alicia continued ,"I didn't mean to disturb our show, but I remembered the question you asked me at the office 3 days ago. It has been bugging me, but then the answer came to me while we were watching this show. I now know why there is a huge difference in my attitude toward life."* She replied.

"Hmmm, I remember asking you why you now care so much for your family, respect them, and... this word is kinda weird saying it out to you. And lo… love them?" Debbie answered, unsure of her last words.

"Yeah. That's the question, and I found an answer to it. I am super sure that it was that moment we began that show that changed everything." Alicia replied with a deep smile.

"Interesting... Now, I am more curious than ever. This TV show can wait. I want to know about that Tv show that turned the brick wall Alicia into a soft jellied being."Debbie said, resting her chin on her palm as she paused the show.

"Supernatural! It was that Tv series played by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. The moment I saw the first episode, I was intrigued. You remembered I really said a lot about the show, right?" Alica questioned.

"Oh, yes! I do. You were all happy saying things about how you enjoy the family theme that was a deep connection to the start of the show." Debbie replied, nodding her head in agreement.

"Yeah. Ever since I saw how Dean Winchester played by Jensen Ackles dotted on his little brother and would sacrifice everything, even go to hell and back Not literally for his brother is super amazing and how his little brother Sam Winchester played Jared Padalecki would do the same speaks so much about what family stands for. I was jealous and wanted the same for myself." Alicia said.

Holding both her hands at the back of her head and stretching out a little, Alicia sighed. "I know I haven't been a good daughter to my parents. As the first child, they made a lot of mistakes training me. I was charged with so much responsibility that I hated it, especially after my little sister was born. The way they took care of her and how they did me was super different. It was as if I was a manual to them. A guidebook on how to train their little princess. I hated my little sister for that. She had the love and attention I never got as a child, and this made me push away from them." Alicia said, smiling sheepishly to her friend Debbie.

Moving closer to Alicia, Debbie gave her a light squeeze on her shoulder, making Alicia drop her hands from the back of her head.


Wearing a deep smile, Alicia continued, "After I watch the "Supernatural" series, I saw a huge part of myself in Dean. I understood him. His responsibility and all. But what I couldn't understand was how he still got to love his brother despite all that. How he cared deeply for his little brother and was ready to sacrifice himself a million times if it meant that his brother would be happy. I never understood that, but the more I watched the show, the more I got to know that and worked on making amends with my family, and I am glad I did. I am happier now and just fulfilled." Alicia said calmly, cleaning off the single tear that slid down her cheek.

"You know, there's so much we can learn even from a movie, and I am glad knowing that you got to learn the importance of family after watching that single show. I am grateful. Keep up whatever it is you do. It fits you, and who knows, one day, I hope you find love, start your own family and get to show them the importance of family as you are doing to the ones you have now." Debbie replied with a smile.

"Hehe, I am looking forward to that. I am truly looking forward to that moment that will begin a huge step in my life." Alicia said with a chuckle.

With a deep smile, the two friends played the new Tv show that was paused and had a good Sunday giggling, laughing, and crying while anticipating the beauty the next day would bring. Yeah…Monday.

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Movies and series have inspired us to do things and that the testimony of Alicia.

It’s a beautiful that a movie character changed her attitude towards family.


Yes, an awesome testimony for her. Thanks for reading


How great transformation a movie show can happen to someone who fully focus on it to get something away from it. Alicia was immersed in the movie and that made her changed from who she was to someone who would love her family despite what they did to her. That's a great and pure love.
Nicely written, Balikis 😍❤️


Yeah, it was a great transformation it was. I am glad she got to know the importance of family at the end. Thanks for stopping by.


What made Alicia not to like her family first?

Debbie is such a nice first that stood by her to listen to all she has to say. If it was my guy, I might have punched him. But I can relate well with Alicia, my siblings and I watched the series "The originals" That I have been begging @princessbusayo to watch all this while, that series changed how I saw my family and I loved them the more because it show pointed out the importance of family.
Alicia should just watch The Originals for me pleaseeeeeeeeee


Shay you no read the post. Read well and you'll find out 🙄🙄.

Lol...take her out to dinner and tell her na. Maybe she'll finally see her love.


You know you write like Williams Shakespeare now a heads and I must have missed it. I just know they like moving to watch film. 😆

And for the take out. You would be a better option but I enjoyed reading your story.


Well, sometimes things happen that way, a good motivation and help can come from any possible means, as was the case in your story that came from a TV show.

Greetings @balikis95, success.


Yes, that's right. Thanks for reading.


Well, who would believe a TV show could inspire a change of heart? Well done @balikis95, such an enlightening read.


Yeah, it is least expected to. Thanks for stopping by
