An Afternoon of Plane Spotting and Sweet Treats


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Hello everyone

Today was supposed to be a delightful afternoon. At 1:00 p.m., I had planned to meet a friend for lunch at a cozy café near Patong Beach. I was looking forward to catching up over some delicious food, but just as I was about to leave, my phone rang. It was my friend, calling to say she was swamped with work and couldn’t make it. Disappointed but understanding, I had to rethink my plans.

Determined to make the most of the afternoon, I decided to head towards Madu Bua, a café and restaurant I had heard good things about. I imagined myself relaxing there, perhaps enjoying a cup of coffee while taking in the serene surroundings. However, upon arrival, I found every table occupied. The place was bustling, and there was a long queue of people waiting to be seated. With no clear idea of how long I might have to wait, I quickly realized this wasn’t going to work.


Time was ticking, and I needed to pick up my son from school at 4:00 p.m. As I pondered my next move, I decided to try the 8/5 Runway Cafe, a unique spot close to Phuket International Airport’s runway, offering a clear view of planes about to take off.


When I drove there, I parked inside the café’s lot, which conveniently provides car storage services for travelers dropping off their cars before a flight. After parking, I walked up to the second floor of the café, which overlooked the runway. The place was buzzing with customers, most of whom had reserved seats to watch the planes take off.





I walked to the counter and ordered a watermelon smoothie and a piece of cake. It didn’t take long for the staff to bring my order. The colorful drink and cake looked incredibly appetizing. While waiting for the planes to take off, I indulged in the delicious cake and sipped on the refreshing watermelon smoothie. The afternoon turned out differently than I had planned, but as I enjoyed my treats and watched the planes soar into the sky, I felt content with my spontaneous decision.










Even though it was the low season, planes were still taking off frequently. Phuket, with its beautiful white sandy beaches and clear seawater, remains a beloved tourist destination year-round. I wanted to capture some photos of the airplanes taking off and landing, but most of the best spots for photography were already taken. Despite not getting many pictures, I enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere and the excitement of watching the planes soar into the sky. The afternoon turned out differently than I had planned, but as I enjoyed my treats and the unique view, I felt content with my spontaneous decision.


I spent time at the café until 3:00 p.m., savoring my treats and the unique view. Then, I left to pick up my son from school. The afternoon turned out differently than I had planned, but as I drove to the school, I felt content with my spontaneous decision and the unexpected adventure it brought.




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