The darkness


Zack took a brief look at his phone before setting it back on the table where it'd been all day. He had gotten so many missed phone calls he started hearing his ringtone even when no one was calling him. He wasn't sure why but he couldn't bring himself to put it on silent. He wanted to hear the ringing. He wanted to know how many people would actually call him.

"Maybe I am just doing all this for attention. Just to see how many people would actually check in. But then, how many of those people actually care for me? What is it exactly that I'm missing? What is wrong with me?"

He used his hands to cup his face and wipe some of the tears. He sat in one corner on the floor of his room. Allowing the sadness to seep in. He felt like he could easily just stand up and smile and probably feel normal, maybe even happy in moments, but he didn't want to anymore. For some reason he wanted to feel sad. To let those tears out, and to scream in agony. And that was what he did. He didn't scream outwardly, but his soul was screaming. Screaming so loud that his chest ached.


He was so sure that the reason he'd gotten so many calls was because he was to finish up with the sorting of some important documents at work, and he didn't show up. He didn't want to show up. He was tired. But if you asked him what exactly he was tired of he couldn't give you a clear cut answer. He was just tired. Tired of life as a whole.


He stood up briefly to go get his final final final final bottle of whisky. Next thing he knew he was hovering above his car keys on the table, whisky in one hand.

"No, no, I don't think it's safe to... Aw, who gives a shit?"

Next thing he knew he was in the driver's seat. Apparently he'd been driving a few miles because he was on the local bridge already. But he was on the wrong lane

"Shit, shit, I need to stop..." He blacked out again.

The next time his eyes opened he was submerged underwater. He struggled and struggled for his life for what felt like hours to no avail, but then all of a sudden he let go. The water slowly filled his nostrils and in that very moment everything went dark in his head. All of a sudden his body jerked strongly. It was as though he was possessed. As sudden as he'd started jerking he stopped. And then his eyes began to open slowly. He took a big whiff into his nostrils and It didn't hurt him, Instead it made him stronger.


His eyes opened once more and he found himself on the seashore. It felt like one of those dreams you have in a dream, but this one felt real. He couldn't fathom what just happened. His car was nowhere to be found, he was a mess and he wasn't sure where he was. The only thing he was sure of was that he'd been given a second chance at life. He decided he'd try again. But this time it'd be different. He'd embrace the darkness inside.

"It'd be better this time."



Cover image by Adam Kring from Unsplash


Hmmm this is something.

I can't help but wonder why he's tired of everything and life itself.

He was lucky to get a second chance, although I'll look forward to finding out how he got out of the river, car and who helped him out.

Overall, I'll want to know his actions moving forward.


Sadly this Is one of those open ended stories where you may never get the answers to your questions. The purpose of writing this is to get the reader to think and feel what I want them to feel.


This is probably the right time to flog you.


😂 😂 😂 Sorry sir


Honestly nobody can help him in that case and he need to help himself to come out from the darkness.
The situation described here was critical and many of us face that kind of situation.


Yeah this is true. In the end only him can save himself.


What a dark, psychological tale. You take a deep dive into the emotional turmoils and despair of Zack. It seems he has almost everything—shelter, comfort, a car and a job where his attention is demanded rather than loved.

He wants this love, needs it and can't grasp why people want him for what he can only deliver. This is quite an internal battle but sadly, he take a wrong course and ends up under water!

I wonder how he gets out alive and stronger than he was. This is well-written and poignant. Thank you for sharing your fiction in the Scholar N Scribe community. We look forward to more of your stories. !PIZZA 🙂


Let's just say that there may be some supernatural factors in play (Atleast that's what I had in mind). But then it's written in such a way that you can fill in whatever gaps you want.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading. I look forward to sharing more in the future.

