So frustrating


Imagine this, you go for a short vacation, everything is going well, and you're in a nice calm suburban area with stable electricity, a good amount of food, and you have enough time to do whatever you want to. Perfect scenario right? No, it is not a perfect scenario, why? Because the internet connection is terrible.

I have managed myself through annoying situations like unstable electricity, or no internet at all, but this one was different, this one was worse. If there's no internet connection at all then at least I know that there's no internet and I'm cut off, but with this one, there's an internet connection, you can see messages coming in, but for your messages to send you have to wait a painfully long amount of time, refresh the internet by switching airplane mode on and off like five times, and then when it delivers the conversation you're having has probably taken a different direction, and on and on. Let me not even get started on when it is time to load videos and images. It was a painful experience, I literally had headaches at times just out of sheer frustration. Each time I pulled out my phone I saw messages I wanted to reply to, and then I'd remember the stress of slow internet and then I'd put my phone down.


At some point, I had to start checking all the corners of the house to see if there was any place where the internet was even slightly better, there wasn't. But then eventually I realized that down the street the network was better. I didn't know anyone there, and there wasn't any spot to sit, but I was desperate at times, so, whenever I wanted good internet I'd have to take a walk down the street. Back and forth for minutes to hours at a time. Whenever I wanted to trade or talk to loved ones or friends, I'd simply stretch my legs and walk back and forth for as long as I could, till my back ached. Then of course my PC was almost rendered useless. To use it I had to wake up at midnight when the internet connection was only slightly less mediocre.


It was a learning experience though, as I did some other things like reading, trying some experimental cooking, and doing some exercise. It also made me realize that whenever I am getting an apartment, no matter how beautiful and nice everything is, I must always check the internet connection in every single nuke and cranny of the house. I can't imagine having to live like that every day. I'd end up leaving the house within a week (which I did in this case). This experience made me realize that this is my peeviest digital pet peeve (if such a word exists). Can you relate?



Inspired by Digital Lifestyle Prompt

Cover photo by Igor Omilaev from unsplash

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Feels like you have just narrated the story of my life in the last couple of weeks. It's not a good way to live in these times of evolving tech. Before checking if the roof is leaking or if there's water running, the house and environment has to have network. Can't be dealing with that, unless, of course, if I have Starlink. And that pacing around to talk with friends or trade, that's totally me.


Omo, if you're living daily like this you're really trying oo, because it was not it at all. I can never stay in a place with terrible or no network no matter how beautiful. Not worth the stress.


Okayy, you didn’t have to take me out of the vacation like that😂😂
Anyway, I agree though
Imagine having to stand a certain way before getting internet connection …oh naaa


😂 😂 😂 Sorry ma.

Yeah, it isn't it. This if there was a corner of the house with good network (even if it's the bathroom 😂), I'll find a way and camp there. But there wasn't so I had to just walk aimlessly down the street once in a while. It is well sha, never again.


Lol! I can relate.
In my villa there's no network in my environment. I will either take a walk outside the compound or climb a tree at the backyard. It can be very frustrating.
Just like you, what I do most in times like this is reading, watching movies and trying out new things. I also have the advantage of sleeping well too.
